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Stavelot, Belgium

Stavelot, Belgium

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"Come on, Adam. P5 isn't bad." Sara attempted to cheer Adam up.

"It is, when you're in a high-speed track, in a Force India." Adam mumbled as he prepared two cups of coffee for him and Sara.

"We're just halfway through the season and you're already so negative. Cheer up, you've scored on all of your F1 starts to date. That's something to cheer about."

Adam forced a smile before handing over the mug to Sara over at the couch.

"I've never got a chance to ask you this, Sara. Why my PA?  With your qualifications, why not... something else?" Adam became curious. Sara let out a soft giggle.

"I didn't really want to tell anyone in the team yet. But I'm actually quite a big fan of you. Since F3, I thought you should be in F1 someday. When Emma contacted me to be your PA in Force India I was over the moon." Sara explained as she released her inner fangirl.

"Now, since you've asked me, why choose me out of all the experienced candidates, I'm just a rookie..."

Adam then placed his mug on the table as he moved his head closer to Sara. With their foreheads touching, Sara managed to brush Adam's nose with her cherry red lips. "Why is that, Adam?" She inquired.

"I'm a rookie here too, so I asked Emma to pick the only rookie on the list."

Sara snickered as she ran her finger down Adam's lips. She sat there, eyes glued to his lips as she inched ever so closely.

Sara gently leaned in and kissed Adam's warms lips. They pulled apart, taking shaky, shallow breaths.

"That's all...?" Sara whispered, unconvinced with the answer Adam gave.

Unable to contain themselves anymore, Adam took hold Sara's head in his hands and pulled her into a fiery and passionate kiss.
"Cos' you're also... really fucking hot, Sara."
He gasped as her hands worked their way around his body, feeling each crevasse, each line along his perfect physique.

"He gasped as her hands worked their way around his body, feeling each crevasse, each line along his perfect physique

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F1: VENGEANCE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now