I am Carly Johnson

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Anger, anger boils in my blood. You though you had something but it slips out of your hand before you could grab it. They moved on moved to someone else, someone who isn't you. A part of you left with them and you are broken inside. Shattered. Unable to be fixed, unable to be mended back together. A dagger in your heart, making you bleed for eternity.

I am Carly Johnson, a senior, life was great until I began to cut. My boyfriend was amazing until he cheated on me with my best friend, and on top of that I have a drug addict dad that is somewhere in this world getting high not giving a shit about me nor my mom. Cutting is an addiction i know and I keep thinking I can stop but that never happens. My mom left me a grocery list to pick up a few things.

I pick my keys up off the hook and walk out the door.

I drive down the street and come to a red light, great. I sit there patiently and begin to zone out, thinking about when I can cut next. The lights green and the car behind me beeps their horn, I put my head out the window and scream,"shut up bitch" and then I notice its harry fucking styles on his motorcycle, this is lovely.

Harry pulls up next to me" hey no need to get all bitchy blonde." I zoom off screaming," no need to be a dick styles." We have a great friendship can't you tell. I pull up to the grocery store and jump out the car. I notice Harry's motorcycle pulling up beside me.

" why the hell are you following me, rapest much?"

"Chill out Carly i just wanted to say I didn't mean to spill my drink on you at the party I was pretty drunk alright?"

"That doesn't change a thing I hate you and always will , end of story."

Harry walks up to me and grabs my face " I heard about your cutting and I wanted to let you know everything will be alright and I'll be here if you need me."

I snatch my face out of his grip."Thanks but no thanks I don't need your sympathy."

I walk away towards the grocery store and not looking back. I hate when people give me sympathy when I don't need it, It makes me seem weaker than I already am.

Especially Harry, I don't need anything from him. I mean he is nice looking and I really fancy his tattoos and piercings, but his attitude and cockiness is a little to much to handle.

Last thing you will catch me doing is dating Harry styles.


Carly is stunning, I could not believe it when I found out she cut. I believe people don't deserve to hurt themselves over the things in their life, but to love themselves for who they came to be.

I really care for Carly and even though we don't really talk as much as I hope I want to become friends with her. I want to help her build a new self steam and take her pains away.

Many people in this word cut on a daily basis, and I hate the idea of it. Even if it means going to extreme lengths to save one girl, I am willing to do it.


Hello everyone thanks for giving my story a chance but please continue to read, it only gets better, it's just the beginning :) Xx

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