The devil in an angels disguise

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I rock back and forth hugging my knees hoping the pain will soon go away. I really did fuck up and I was scared Harry would hurt me, but instead I hurt him. I place my head in my arms and close my eyes, if I were dead it would be best for everyone. The door to the janitors closet opens and startles me. I look up to find Andy in the door with a confused look on his face.

"Hey love are you ok, what happened?" Andy asks bending down on one knee

"H-How did you find me."

"Well it wasn't that hard we do have the same class this period and you could only be in the bathroom or here." He gives me a smile to try and lighten my mood

"Oh." I say looking back down

"Was it your dick of a boyfriend that did this to you."

"Try it the other way around." I look back up focusing my eyes on the blank wall in front of me

Andy grabs my arms and places me in his chest. I begin to weep but I feel comforted because of Andy.

"You know I have only known you for a few hours and you have been here more than anyone else I know, thank you."

"Shhhh stop saying thank you, it's what you deserve." He then gently places a kiss on my lips. I am taken back by his actions I pull back and I sit up.

"I can't do this Andy I'm sorry I already done enough harm to Harry and I can't do anymore." I slowly move away from him and stand to my feet.

He grabs tightly on my wrist and looks into my eyes.

"Open you fucking eyes Carly he doesn't give a damn about you but I do, he is shit, worthless."

"Don't talk about him like that he has done nothing to me, ok, I love him and could never love you, you are my friend and that's it." I yank my arm away and try to head towards the door but his grip grabs ahold of my wrist again.

He pushes me agents the wall harshly, "listen to me Carly Johnson, you do not know who I am, and I am always right, so when he fucks up your life don't come running to me like the slut you are."

A tear rolls down my eye as his grip tightens on my wrist.

"Now listen to me like I said you are mine and only mine, you do not deserve someone like him, have you heard of what he did in the past? He played girls he told them he loved them and had sex with them for fun and then threw them to the side. What makes you think he won't do this to you." he screams in my face

He already has, i think to myself. What if Andy is right. Am I that stupid and naive to actually think he loves me?

"Fucking answer me." He screams louder

"I don't fucking know Andy." I scream back in his face

His face turns red and he looses his temper. Andy slaps me dead across my face making me fall to the ground and whimper.

"Your a fucking monster, you tell me I need to watch out for Harry but your the one I really need to watch out for, your the real dick Andy."

I find myself feeling somewhat powerful and stand to my feet. I push Andy in his chest and i spit directly in his face.

His face turns even more red and his eyes turn from a blue to a black color, and I don't know if it is because I have been slapped so hard.

He whips the spit from his face and stares deep into my eyes.

"That was the worst mistake you have ever made in your life." Was the last thing I remember before I was knocked out with a swift punch to my jaw and black filling my vision.


Hello everyone the drama is just beginning I'm sorry it was short but I felt as though I needed to leave ya hanging hehe, I love you all :D xX

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