The past that hurt her

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"Since you want to talk let's talk." Harry says taking a long hard breath

"Well I just want you to forgive me, Harry I know it was a bad mistake, but just please." I look into his eyes and he turns Away, I know I hurt him, and I'm not proud of it.

"You hurt me Carly, a lot."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"It's going to take some time, but I'll get over it eventually."

He grabs me, pulling me into his chest. I take in the scent of his cologne.

"You mean so much to me Harry, I used to hate you, well I thought I did, and now I can't get enough of you." He gently places a kiss on my lips. Grabbing my face he makes me look at him.

"Whats mine is mine Carly, I don't share." He lets go of my face and gets off the bed finding his boxers on the floor and putting them on. He goes into his drawer and gets a pair of sweatpants, and when he puts them on my eyes scan his body, how perfect it is, how perfect Harry is. They sit dangerously low on his hips and it's just breathtaking. I quickly look away before he can catch me looking.

"I'm going to make something to eat."

"It's 12 at night harry." I raise a brow

"So." He smirks, I roll my eyes and he walks out the room closing it behind him.

I scurry off the bed, grabbing Harry's black tee, quickly putting it on.

I open the door, and walk out into the living room, I find harry in the kitchen, looking at him makes me want him even more, and after a few minutes of staring at him he notices my presence.

"I could feel you staring at me Carly." He says slowly walking toward me. Roughly grabbing my hips, he pulls me into him, and a small gasp leaves my lips. I grab his face, rubbing his stubble with my thumb. He leans into my hand, closing his eyes. He opens them, and leans down, letting his lips take over mine. Our lips move in sync. He hold onto the back of my thighs and without warning lifts me up, making me wrap my legs around his torso. I place my arms and his neck, deepening the kiss.

"I want you again, but I'm very hungry." He whispers into my ear, leaving me wanting him still, I don't argue. He places a kiss on my cheek and puts me down, snaking an arm around my waist.

"Let's make a grilled cheese." I say looking at him

"A cheese toasty."

"I'm American." We both start laughing and he places a kiss on my lips.

"Sit, I'll make it." He says into my ear, making me giggle.

I sit at the table, and stare at his back, I can't resist looking at the beautiful man in front of me. After a few minutes he turns around with two sandwiches. Placing one in front of me. Harry immediately takes a bit and I watch him.

"I didn't make that for anything, eat up." I take a small bit and eat.

"So Carly, if your not ready for this just tell me, but I want to know your story, why you started cutting." He looks into my eyes carful of what he says

I close my eyes, take a breathe, and I feel the urge to cry, trying my best to keep it in. Harry's hand quickly raises and whips it away.

"My childhood was shit, no let me rephrase that, my childhood was hell." I keep my eyes closed, i know if I open them and see him, I will cry and not be able to stop.

"It was a terribly dark part of my life. My dad, he was always high or drunk, my mom was scared of him just as much as I was. He abused us both every since I could remember. I always thought my mom was my hero, I always thought she would save me whenever he came to hurt me but she didn't, she would sit there inert, watching on the sidelines. She knew if she interfered it would be her getting hurt too, she didn't like that idea too much. So at that point I was defending myself from the age 5 to about 16. I started to cut when I was older, and I couldn't stop ever since I started. If he was drunk sometimes I able to push him and run away to my room. He would beat me with the first thing he saw, I don't ever remember him calling me by my first name. One night my mom finally got involved, she finally owned up to the super hero i expected and wanted her to be. She took all of his stuff and threw it outside, and all of his beers went out the door too. It was probably the happiest days of my life. That was the last day I saw him, my mom always acted as though that part of our life never happened, and I liked to think that way too. We never talked about any part of it, and I promised myself I would never talk about it, but your different harry."

I slowly open my eyes, taking In the man I front of me.

"Your the only person I told, I want to be strong, I always wanted to be. It's just sometimes I feel as though I can't pull my weight any longer, like the walls around me are collapsing and I can't escape from the chains that are holding me down. I always feel powerless as though my dad is still keeping me on a leash, and will never let me go. My past is what is killing me now, if I look at a belt I cringe. I went to cutting, because it knew how to make me feel a different way. When my mom died I lost it, she wasn't always there for me but, she was all I had. I was okay with her not being there when I needed her as long as she didn't leave me again. I can not afford to loose anyone else, I would never survive, you help me distract myself from the past I have been trying to forget for so many years. It's you, Harry who is helping me, please don't leave me, my life is depending on you. Without you I am nothing, nothing but a shell, because you would take every part of me with you." After saying those last words my throat becomes dry, and tears trickle down my face.

Harry quickly gets up from his chair and grabs my wrist, making me stand. He pulls me into his arms and holds me tight, being carful to not let me go.

"I love you with everything in me Carly, I could not possibly leave you, you have already stolen my heart." He picks me up into his arms and takes me to his bedroom. He sits on the bed, me in his lap. I wrap my arms around his chest, he hugs me back, placing his chin on my head.

I close my eyes hoping Harry keeps his promise to never leave me.


Hello everyone I'm so sorry I haven't been updating, I have been pretty busy with school in a few days and stuff. I hope you all are doing well and I'm also hoping this may answer a few questions about Carly's life, I will tell you all soon why harry started to cut, but you will have to wait on that one. :D I love you all Xx

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