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Carly just stormed out of the room, I really fucked up this time. I punch the wall next to me and feel the burn and adrenaline build inside of me. I put on a black shirt and black jeans. I need to find Carly now, hopefully she didn't leave yet.

I walk down the corridor and into the living room finding Katrina and Niall kissing on the couch eww great.

"Hey hey didn't any of you see where Carly went?" I ask interrupting their kiss

"Umm yeah I just took her home." Trina looks at me confused

"Fuck! Ok thanks."

I run out the house and head towards Carly's house. I have a very bad feeling and I just hope she is ok. I being to panic and drive a little faster.

I pull up to Carly's house and sprint to her door I knock but there is no answer. I try the knob and it's unlocked. I head upstairs to her room and slowly open her door.

Before I could process any thoughts a tear rolls down my face hitting the floor beneath me. She is on her bed inert, a pool of blood forming around her. Her chest I'd barely moving.

I run over to her and tears pour from my face.

"Carly, come on baby stay with me." I shake her a little and begin to panic.

I find a towel nearby and wrap it around her arm, I carry her in my arms and being to run outside to my car.

I place her in the passenger seat and I begin to drive to the nearest hospital. I pick up her hand and place it in mine feeling how weak she is, will she make it, was it too late.

I pull into the hospital emergency room parking lot and pick her up running to the doors.

"Someone help me she is loosing a lot of blood, someone help me please I can not loose her , she is my everything."

"Hello sir you need to calm down so we can do our jobs." The nurse calmly says

"How the fuck do you expect me to calm down." I scream

They come over with a stretcher and place her limp body on it. I fall to my knees beginning to break down, as if my life was falling apart, being ripped up to pieces.

"You can follow me to the quiet room and we will inform you when we know any information." The nurse tells me and hands me a cup of water

I begin to zone out, i feel like this is all my fault. I tried to help her and ended up killing her. I tug on my hair and try to pull it out but fail. I'm drowning in my own thoughts as time slowly ticks away.

"Hello are you here for Carly Johnson."

"Yes yes I am please tell me she is ok."

"Yes she is fine just very weak and she will take a while to recover since she lost a lot of blood."

"Well can I go see here please."

"sure she may be very tired though."

I follow the nurse into Carly's room and a tear begins to slip from my eye. I look down at her and she gives me a small weak smile.

"I love you Carly you need to know that I would never want you to be hurt."

"Thank you for saving me Harry, I'm weak, I'm tired."

"Well I will let you go to sleep I will never leave your side again ok baby."

I lean down and kiss her on her forehead.

"I love you Harry, thank you." She says before falling back to sleep


Carly has been sleep for a while now and I am happy she is alive and she is now safe with me. The phone in her room begins to ring and I hurry to pick up the phone so It doesn't wake her up.

"Hello." I say as low as possible

"Hi this is Mrs.Johnson who is this?"

"Umm this is Harry I don't know if your remember me from the last time me and Carly had a project together."

"Ahh yes I remember you how are you Harry!?"

"I'm doing good and Carly is doing good too a little weak but she is stable."

"Thank you for the update and I am actually glad I talked to you because I know you are a very responsible lad and I wanted to know if you could look after Carly since I am at work for a good deal of the day and don't really want to leave Carly alone after this incident."

"Yeah sure that won't be a problem at all."

"ok you can look after her at my home and you can stay also."

"Alight that is fine with me I will take very good care of her."

"Thanks again harry this means a lot to me"

I hang up the phone and slump down in my chair. I feel my eyes getting heavy and fall into a needed sleep.


Hey guys this wasn't my best but please vote for me I love you all :) Xx

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