The aching pain

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Open my eyes, the sun piercing them. I turn to see I am in the boys living room. I was hoping to wake up with Harry beside me, hopefully forgiving me, but I then remember my life isn't a fairytale. There is a pain inside of me, I hurt myself in a way. For once I was the one that hurt me, I caused my own tragedy, and there is no one to blame but me. I didn't know that a kiss could ruin something so special, And I didn't know that seeing something you always feared could hurt you worse then you imagined. I slowly get off the couch and walk into the kitchen. There he is, I see Harry talking to Mikey, and I also see my suitcase. Harry looks and sees me, I look into his green eyes, his eyes are filled with hate, and I know behind the hate is the hurt, and behind the hurt is his love for me. After our exchange he looks away and after a few seconds mikey noticed and looks into my direction.

"Harry please, let me explain."

"Carly there is absolutely nothing to explain, I saw what I saw and that's it."

I quickly make my way toward him and place my hand on his cheek.

"Come on Harry can I please talk to you?" He takes his hand and removes mine from his face.

"You have a minute."

"Okay can we speak alone?"

"Speak here or don't speak at all."

"Okay okay."

"Harry it's fine I can go." Mikey gives me a smile and goes into the other room

"Listen Harry I know it seems bad, I mean really worst then what is seemed but please know my love for you has never changed. You are my everything and I couldn't see myself without you, So please just don't make any decisions out of anger and don't leave me."

"I'm leaving you here for a few days, I need to think."

"Harry I believe you have mistaken, it was only kiss."

"Are you fucking kidding me Carly, only a kiss? If I didn't come in while I did you two would have been having sex on that counter. I think you need to think about this, you don't think you done anything do you? Well guess what princess open your eyes, you have, and you can't take back what you already done."

"Who the hell are you?" I say tears rolling down my face

"I'm Harry, Harry fucking Styles, the person I was before I met you." He turns around and opens the door slamming it behind him. I then begin to shake, getting lower and lower until I reach the ground, I lay down, balling myself up, rocking in my arms. I hate myself more than ever now, my life is fucked up, why am I even here. The person I loved so much has turned agents me, or did I turn agents his first. Either way I am here, alone, by myself, in a place I would never want to me in. My demons are pulling my under and I'm letting them, it's about time I surrendered. I am nothing, my life is shit. My life is melting away and I'll sit here until it's all gone.

I have been laying here for a good few hours , staring at the door hoping harry will come back to save me from this burning hell, that's tearing me apart. After a while I hear footsteps but I don't bother moving. I see a pair of legs stand in front of me but I don't bother moving to see who's face it is. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my body picking me up. I look up to realize it's Ashton. I push on his chest but he is too strong and I'm too weak. He walks toward the steps and I know what he is planing to do. I start kicking around to try and get down but he has a firm grasp on me.

"Chill out Carly I'm taking you to a spare room we have." I eventually stop kicking and place my head on his chest. Not because I want to but because there is no where else to put it. We continues up he stairs and he goes to the first room on the right. He opens the door and reveals a tiny room. It's not as great as me and Harry's room but it's better than the sofa. He sits down on the bed and continues to hold me. I try to get off of his lap but he hold me down.

"This is what you need."

"Okay but I have done enough to Harry, I can't do something else."

"Shhh, just don't say anything." I close my eyes and breathe in and out.


I wake up to find myself in a sleeping Ashton's arms. I need some water, I slowly climb off ashton and open the door walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. I get a cup from the cabinet and turn on the faucet, putting my cup under it. I drink all of the water and place the glass in the sink. I walk into the living room and see Luke, Mikey and Callum all on their phones. They notice my presence and turn around.

"How was your nap with Ashton." Luke says laughing.

"Oh my god you saw." All three of them shake their heads in unison

"It's alright we know your guys didn't do anything, and we arnt telling Harry." Mikey says smiling

I sit down next to Mikey and lean my head back into the sofa cushion.

"So what did Harry say to you." I say looking over to Mikey

"He said basically the same to me as he did you, minus the screaming."

"Christ, you were listening?"

"Yeah I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

I place my head on Mikey's shoulder and he moves his arm around my back, rubbing my arm.



"I don't think he's coming back." I say a tear rolling down my face

"He will if he loves you." I close my eyes hoping that day will be soon


Hello guys I know that was a very very short chapter and you will probably all hate me but you all wanted me to update so here you are. I was kind of busy so I didn't have much time to update, but I will try and update again tomorrow. Please vote and remember I love you all lots. xX

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