Greetings reader, my name is Deim and this is my story. On first sight, you probably wouldn't really think about this as something special, it would probably seem to you as a typical teenage thingy and some everyday story, maybe you won't think about this being special even when you finish reading this book, but anyways, I decided to introduce you to myself and people around me. I hope to get your attention as I am writing this book, because this is not some kind of an autobiography and you will soon find that out. Let us begin my dear reader, enjoy...
Deim, is that you making all that noise up there? – Called my mother with a slightly raised voice, as usual. Of course I am, where else would I be, I replied to her and turned down the volume of my computer, just because I wanted her to leave me alone. I was in my room listening to music, relaxing and as usual with facebook at my side tab of my computer, just in case of someone sending a message. As a matter of fact, I regretted that I ever made a profile on such a page since it never brought me anything good. I got into a lot of fights, I have seen nothing there that presented something valuable to me, although I once met a girl that I fell in love with, but that only began there, everything that happened between us was in reality, but then again, it all passed and we were youngsters at that time. I don't know why I still keep this page, this lame site. Things that happen there would never happen outside that virtual world, in my opinion I would never invent something like that, it leaves traces on your social life and most of the children that are forming their lives on the Internet, ruin their childhood. Aside from facebook now, I'll introduce you to my family.
Audin is a strong man, mentally and physically, working all day and night, usually he stays up late every night sitting by his computer and later watching TV, he's a smart man, has short hair and is approximately 185 centimeters tall. I love it when I can get to him in our profound conversations during dinner time. He was raised in a Catholic family and holds to his attitude strongly. – I call him dad and if you ask me, he is my idol in some way.
Victoria is the name of my mother, she is a person that holds this family on its feet, she is the brain, but also the body of this family and I can see that she loves us – her children, and my father with all her heart.
Finally, there is my sister Charlotte and my wild brother Pan, they are both younger than me and are still small kids and there is really not much to say right now about them except that they are young and wild, they have a lot to live through, but they can sure be happy to enjoy the life while they are still carefree children. I also had a small baby sister Gabriela, but the poor angel was sick and she is playing with other angels there in heaven.
There is also grandma by my mother's side, her name is Rose, but nobody calls her by her name, she is kind of a helping hand of this family, despite of her old age. Although we are a typical small family, I love those people more than anything in my life, we would get in a fight and we had a lot of ups and downs, but then again, all people have them.
Trapped by Emotions
Fiksi RemajaA young adult romance novel with lots of twists and tangles. A fiction inspired by real life events mixed in a catchy story with help of imagination.