Secrets Revealed

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"Weren't you afaird to go the ape colony? They could have easily tared you apart if Caesar hadn't showed up and stopped them."

She looked at him expressionless.

"I've seen a lot things in the last 13 years sir....only few things scare me now and trust me they're frightening...I think the apes were more scared of me then anything....I'm not surprised considering what most of humanity has done too them....I don't even really love my own kind...and the good humans for some fucked up reason are always killed off while the bad ones still live"She said nonchalantly.

She then closed her eyes and tears started to fall down.

"You've lost both apes and humans you've cared about haven't you."

"I've lost more then you can ever imange...." she said said quietly.

The man leaned back in his chair.

"Those bite marks that turned to scars on your lower neck, shoulder, collar bone, and the side of your arm make me have a hard time believing you were not afaird of them."

She opened her eyes to look at him and then slowly brought her hand up to her exposed neck were the scar was.

"While the bite is similar to a human the fanged indents proves to me that it was done by a ape."

They both stared at each other not saying anything.

" One of the apes....who is long since dead....he died a couple months before I joined the colony" she said breaking the silence.

"Did you kill him?" He asked curiously.

She chuckled darkly.

"No that credit doesn't go to me....the one who killed him was another ape....the ape was Koba."

The man became shocked at this revelation.

"I thought Koba didn't go psychotic until after the apes found out there was still humans around the area?"

She scoffed.

"There was always something wrong with Koba....humans reappearing finally caused him to snap and become a full fledged physco....but I'm not surprised how he turned out considering how traumatic his past was..." She said quietly.

She then started to play around with her braclet along with feeling goosebumps on her arm that where forming form the coldness of the basement.

"The ape who hurt me was called Pope and he was a even bigger monster then Koba, considering how he brutality tortured not just humans but his own kind as well... He-he made me watch as he killed someone I loved and brutality killed a ape who tried to help me escape" she said as her voice nearly breaking.

"I'm sorry..." the he said sympathetically.

The man began to process all this new information.

"You said apes like in more then one, so there was another ape beside Pope that hurt you?"

"Yea one his cronies, he's the one who gave me these bite marks.... God he was such a sadist....when Pope wasn't the one torturing me he let him do what ever he wanted to me" she said while struggling to say the words.

"This other ape, what happened to him?"

"For awhile I didn't know....but after meeting Caesar again I eventually found out that he went back to the ape colony and was still there...the way I found out wasn't a pleasant experience ethier" she said monotonely with her eyes trailing off.

"Did you tell Caesar?"

"No....but he found out anyway....I never saw him so enraged..."


Muir Park 3 years ago, The Ape Viallge

In the home of the royal family Caesar had been staring sternly at his eldest son for what it seem like a eternity making Blue Eyes avoid his gaze. The tension was so thick someone could cut it with a knife. Cornelia with Cornelius sleeping on her chest, sat next to Blue Eyes looking back and forth between her her eldest and her husband.

"What were you thinking running off like that?" he signed aggressively.

Blue Eyes still avoided his gaze.

"Not only did you worry your mother and half the village you also brought Iris to village."

The young ape remained silence and it only frustrated his father.

"They already know she lives out here and most are not happy about it, some of them wanted to attack her at her home but I order them not too, what do you think they will do now that she knows where the village is"he signed trying to get through to him.

Cornelia looked at Caesar a little worried about this revelation and it seemed he was able to get through his son because his gaze quickly met with his father's.

"Do you realize-

"Why...didn'" Blue Eyes spoke cutting him off.

Both of his parent looked at him surprised because they knew he didn't try to speak unless it was really serious.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a sister? I didn't even about your human family until a month ago, why didn't you ever tell me?"he signed agitated staring his father directly in the eyes.

Caesar's gaze soften a little and he huffed.

"I didn't know... she lived out here... until recently.....I haven't seen her... for 10 years"Caesar spoke instead of signing.

Caesar looked at Cornelia who had him encouraged to go on.

"The last time I saw her and my adoptive father....Is the day I led the apes to freedom...I did a lot of things that damaged my relationship with both of them....I couldn't bring myself to talk about it."

"Can't blame him for being curious Caesar, she's part of your family that he never got to meet" Cornelia signed to her husband.

"And I didn't tell her the village was father she already knew, she's known for 5 years now" he signed to them.

Caesar and Cornelia looked shocked at this.

"I wanted to go home by myself but she insisted on walking back home with me to make sure I got back ok."

Caesar eyes soften a little at this.

"What was she like?" Cornelia signed who was also curious about her husband's sister.

"Interesting, kind, but seemed sad..."he signed but his mind drifting off grimly at the last part causing his mother to stroke his arm.

"Son...does she...really live alone?"he asked quietly.

" I didn't see anyone else living with her, other then the dog and a couple of seems like she's been alone for a long time..." he signed depressingly.

Cornelia hooted sadly at this and turned to see her husband in deep thought.

"I asked her if I could see her again"

Caesar snapped out of his thoughts at this comment.

"What did...she say?"he asked his son.

"She said I would have to ask you."

Caesar didn't know how to respond to this and he didn't get a chance to because they all heard a loud grunt at the entrance of the hut, Caesar turned around to see it was Luca.

"We are ready to leave Caesar" he signed to him.

"We about this later" he told his son as turned to follow Luca out of the hut.

Blue Eyes tried to protest but his mother stopped and he knew better to disobey his mother.

What Makes a Savage?(Story of Iris the Sister of Caesar)Where stories live. Discover now