In and Out of It

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" Well he obviously didn't kill you cause your still here, what happen when you came to?" he asked curiously.

" I don't really know it was all kind of a blur...he hit my head pretty hard...they took me to the village that much I firgured out... I also remember a lot sceeching and arguing..." she said nonchalantly.


Muir Park 3 years ago

When Iris came to she felt groggy and her vision was blurry, she realized that she was being carried over someone's shoulder upside down like a sack and she knew it was a ape because she could see fur. She tried her best to take in her surroundings but all she could make out was that she was still in the forest, her head throbbed in pain and she felt nauseous.

She was carried for awhile but was then thrown roughly to the dirt, she could hear loud screeching, she lifted her head up to see who had carried her and what she made out was a big blurry red ape, she realized it was the gorilla that bashed her head in, she also noticed she was in the middle of the ape village. She laughed a little at the image she saw she guessed this confused the apes because it made them quiet for a little bit, she then slowly brought her self into a sitting position but not before vomiting.

This made one side of the apes in hoot in concern and the other side screech in disgust, she could feel the gorilla glaring at her. Not only was her head throbing in pain but her ankle was too, she brought her hand up to hold head and she felt something wet and warm, she then brought hand back to her face and saw it was blood.

She looked at the gorilla who caused her injury through strands of hair that covered her face and he continued to glare at her.

"The human female doesn't look well"

" Let's kill her! She killed apes!"

" Wait for Caesar! Let him decide!"

What Iris could mostly make of their signing while she was in and out of it was that Caesar wasn't here and they are deciding what ever are not to execute her for something that they think she did.

"I didn't...kill them" she told them hoarsely.

That all stopped signing and screeching to look at her.

" You were to the dead humans...and you were near...the village when apes were killed.." the red gorilla said to her, Iris was surprised he could speak quite clearly.

She scoffed at this.

"Wow your suspose to be smart...but it's hard to believe with how stupid you are right now" she insulted him causing him to glare at her harder.

Some of the apes started to screech again in anger.

"You also live in the forest...and know where the village have also shown quiet vicious to your own kind" he said lowly with his patience running thin.

"If I hadn't one of your kind would have been shot and I've known where the village been for at least 5 years...if I wanted to kill any of you I would have done it a long time ago or least would of told the humans to let them charge in here gun blazing" she shot back at him.

The gorilla becamed shocked by this information so did the other apes, this made them screech louder.

"Your just blaming this on me because I'm human...the way you hunted me down and smashed my head in shows me your no different then humans that hurt you..." she said lowly to him.

This comment finally set the gorilla off as he grabbed her by the neck and started to slowly lift her up by it, Iris started to choke which made her try to pry at his hand that fit perfectly around her neck as she dangled in the air, some of the apes screeched in fear while the other encourage for the gorilla to strangle her to death.

"Don't ever to your kind..." he growled at her as he sqeezed her neck tighter.

Iris looked into to his eyes as she grunted and choked, while she saw rage she also saw a hint of a amusement at her pain, she chuckled and her action bewildered him and the rest of the apes.

"Why are you laughing?..." he asked getting annoyed.

"The dead apes don't have anything to with just want a reason to hurt me don't you?..." she said hoarsly.

The apes brought there focus to the gorilla at her comment and he clearly didn't like this.

"Your are no different then a human...just like Koba and Pope.." she practically spat at him.

The apes had become horrified by her comment and this made the gorilla snap, he growled along with showing his teeth while tightening his grip around her neck intending for her death, Iris's vision started to go dark.

"STOP!" a ape yelled.

This caused the gorilla to let go of her neck and she fell to ground gasping for air, the ape that yelled had jumped down to where they were and walked over to them.

Iris could tell they were arguing but couldn't make out there signs because her vision was becoming worse now, the next thing she knew was the ape was crouched next to her and reaching out to her.

She flinched as a reflex, the ape hooted softly to her trying to let her know he wasn't going to hurt her, he then cradled her face gently in his hands, Iris brought her face closer to see who it was and brought one of her hands up to touch his face, she could see his eye color was blue and she only knew one ape with that eye color.

"Blue..." she said quietly.

He smiled sadly at her and nodded, his hand then felt the blood that was dripping down her head, he expression went from shocked, to worried , and then inraged, he turned his head around to growl at the gorilla while bringing his aunt close to his chest protectivly.

The arguing had started again and she was having a really hard time staying awake, she noticed the gorilla about to grab her from her nephew.

"LEAVE HER!" a voice yelled.

Eveyones attention turned to it and it all sudden it became quiet, Iris could no longer tell what was going on, her head was basically in the clouds as the new voice was introduced, she heard some talking but couldn't make it out. She then felt Blue Eyes put a hand underneath her legs while the other supported her back and pick her up with her head leaned against his chest. Iris could see he was hurriedly walking up some stairs and at the top had a couple of apes, one female that was holding a baby that looked at her with worried eyes while she gentley touched her head, she soon fell to darkness.


Here's another chapter I hope you guys like it I'm srry it's so short I'm sick right now so I haven't been feeling really good:(

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