Not Allowed to Leave

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"How is it everytime you make a comment you manage to piss someone off Iris?" the man asked while rubbing his eyes.

"It's gift..." she said sarcastically with a small smile.

Not wanting to go down the rabbit hole of this topic he decided to change it.

"What happen after you woke up?"

"I was surrounded by familiar and unfamiliar faces along with being diagnosed with a concussion and sprained ankle...and I was told I wasn't allowed to leave..."


Muir Park, Ape village 3 years ago

Ellie had been shinning a light back and forth in each eye since she regained consciousness and frankly she was getting a little annoyed by it.

" Ellie could you stop now I swear that thing is making my head feel worse..." she grimaced as she held her head in pain.

Ellie put away the light and started to look at the gash on her head making Iris wince.

"Well that's what happens when you have concussion Iris..." she said quietly.

Iris took a look around to see she was in a huge hut and judging by the view it was high above ground, she could feel that she was laying in nest of something soft probably moss, she also noticed there was others in the room.

Malcolm stood behind Ellie while Caesar with Maurice and Rocket stood in the corner of the hut, she quickly turned her gaze away from the ape king as soon as she locked eyes with him.

"Hold still Iris" Ellie told her sternly.

Iris groaned as her eyes turned to see Caesar's solemn expression.

Flashback an hour ago

Caesar was about to head back to the woods with the apes and Ellie and Malcolm were about to head back the colony, they all just got out of the building when they heard barking.

Bruce ran over started to bark at Malcolm, everybody expected for Iris to come out any minute but when she didn't they got confused.

"Bruce what are you doing here?" Malcolm asked.

Bruce started to walk side to side and wine.

Caesar was getting a little concerned, he turned to look at Maurice who looked concerned as well.

"Does the dog always...act this way?..." Caesar asked Malcolm.

"No...and he definitely wouldn't have run off from Iris unless she asked him too..." Malcolm said queitly then turning his head to see his wife's worried eyes.

Caesar could tell by looking into the dogs eyes that was something wrong.

"Something is not right..." Caesar said.

Malcolm agreed with him.

"Bruce take us to her" Malcolm told the shepard, Bruce spun around and ran off to the direction of the woods, Malcolm and Ellie got into the jeep quickly while the apes went to get their horses.

Bruce didn't stop running as he took them deep into the forest, Bruce then stopped and started to whine, the apes stopped their horses and Malcolm and Ellie arrived in the jeep a minute later.

Bruce looked at the ground then back to them while whining, Caesar got off the horse and walked over to what the dog was looking at and what he saw shocked him, it was blood, a lot of it.

What Makes a Savage?(Story of Iris the Sister of Caesar)Where stories live. Discover now