Memories of Fondness

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"I miss those moments...when times could be peaceful and be with ones that you cared about ...but it eventually became a rarity...just memories" she said as her mind trailed off, her gaze not really focused on anything.

" Like the happier times with your family? with your friends?...With your daughter?..."the man asked her.

Her eyes quickly met his filled with shock and dismay while her whole body became stiff.

"She's around 2 years old now am I right?" he asked.

"How did you find out about her?..." she asked dangerously low.

"It was reported that she died in childbirth because of premature labor but I'm not surprised you faked her death with Alpha-Omega and the renegade apes after become pregnant in the amidst of war...It must have been difficult for you...espeacily since you had a miscarriage a month before you conceived her..." the man kept trailing on apparently not listening to her and obviously couldn't feel the rising tension that was coming off her.

"Answer me!..." she raised her voice, trying to contain her rage while her voice broke with sorrow.

"She's with your husband in the new ape village now isn't she? Along with your other daughter and your infant son"

She immediately charged out her chair across the room to the man, she threw the table that was separating them like it was nothing and slammed the man to the ground while holding his shirt, clearly catching him off gaurd. The man looked at her in surprise and in a little fear the actions she just did as he stared into her golden hazel eyes that were filled with wrath.


Ape village, 3 years ago

Iris watched as Blue Eyes look at the stars clearly in a whole different light.

A smile started to grow in her face from his reaction, Blue Eyes noticed this and raised a eyebrow.

"What?..." he asked

"Your reaction is really cute right now" she said still smiling causing him to turn his head away.

"I'm not...cute..." he grumbled.

She chuckled and then started to look back at the sky then looked down.

"Your father and I use to do this when we were younger..." she said quietly.

This sparked the blue eyed ape interest.

Flashback 15 years ago

Iris couldn't sleep, you think after spending the whole day running around and climbing in the woods with her brother she would be passed out by now but there was something that nawing at her that kept her from sleeping, the events from before they went to the woods.

She got up from her bed and looked out the window to see the moon was shinning brightly tonight it basically lit the whole room, she then went out of her room to the attic she walked up carefully so she wouldn't wake up anyone, when she got to the top she could see Caesar was still awake and sitting on his bed.

"Hey can't sleep ethier?" she asked quietly.

He looked a little surprised she was up he nodded in response.

"Did you have fun today?" she said with a smile as she got on the bed to sit in front of him.

He smiled back at her and nodded.

"You know dad said he's going to bring us there again probably with that Coraline lady too, she's seems nice hahaha I can't believe you told dad to ask her on a date right infornt of her" she laughed lightly.

He hooted a little in laugher in return but his expression began to turn to solemn when his gaze fell to his leg injury, Iris looked at it and him sadly.

"Does it still hurt?..." she asked softly.

He shook his head.

"Why did neighbor hurt me? I just wanted to play" he signed depressingly.

It broke Iris's heart, she wrapped his arms around him into hug which he quickly returned.

"Sometimes people fear things they don't understand...they don't want to open their minds so it makes them do horrible things...but not everyone is like that" she said as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Caesar then brought his hand to the back of her neck and brought her head to his, both of their eyes closed in calm, Iris could feel the light of the moon shinning on her face causing her open her eyes turn her head in the direction of Caesar's window almost memorized by it, she then turned back to Caesar who clearly was wondering what she was thinking.

"I want to show you something" she said with a smile and got off his bed to head down the steps of his room, Caesar followed her confused of where she was leading him.

They walked carefully back to her room where she opened the window and started to climb up the roof gesturing for the ape to follow her, Caesar eyes widen in shock and in a little worry.

"Iris it's too dark it dangerous!" he signed.

"The moon is very bright tonight so don't worry and I'll help you climb up if you have trouble seeing" she said with a big smile.

Caesar was still a little unsure but still went to the window.

"Won't father get mad?" He signed.

"Not if he doesn't find out" She said as she help guide him up there, could feel the coldness and the roughness from the roof on her hands and bare feet.

Caesar was a little nervous because he couldn't really see but relaxed when they got to the top where they both sat down, Iris then pointed at the full moon and the stars.

"Isn't it pretty?" she said with a smile.

Caesar did agree with her but also knew that city lights made them harder to see, Iris could tell what he was thinking and turned to look at him.

"You know the stars and moon are brighter and clearer in the woods, dad said we could go camping there sometime" she said as she smiled which he quickly returned in excitement at the thought of spending more then a day in the woods.

End of flashback

Iris looked like in a daze sadly as she looked at the sky.

"My father?...what was.. he like...back then?" Blue Eyes struggled to say.

She turned her head over to look at him.

"He was just like you" she quietly with soft eyes.


Ok here's another chapter wow that was fast I'm on a roll lol I hope you guys like it :D

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