Let the Monster Out

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Tension started to rise in the room the man was either unsure or was afraid to ask his question. Iris's eyes look like they were trailing off into their own little world blocking everything else out.

"Did you have these... blackouts a lot Iris he asked her carefully.

Iris didn't respond, trapped in her own little daze.

" Iris?..."the man asked again.

Iris brought her gaze to look at the man with the dead eyes, she then tilted her head back a little and raised a eyebrow.

" Do you really want to know?....because during those times apparently I was frightening... Some called me a monster...others called me a savior... " she asked him bluntly.

The man looked at her a little unsure and maybe a little afaird at what she would tell him.

" But after everything I've done... I think it's appropriate to call me a monster...." she said quietly as she turned to scar on her arm that looked newer then the rest, that looked like from the teeth from a canine.


Ape Village, 3 years ago

Iris quickly went over to the ape who was almost ripped apart by the now dead wolf, when she got close she recognized him to be Spear who was looking at her with incomprehension as she bent down  to check if the wolf was really dead, when she realized it was she yanked the arrow out roughly and turned to look at the male ape.

"You alright" she signed to him.

Spear looked at her eyes in shock to see that they were completely dilated, you couldn't even see her iris.

He nodded to her nervously, the dilated pupils wasn't the only thing that scares him about her eyes right now, it was also the dark intent along with it he along with the other apes around them could feel the intention radiating off her, it scared them greatly.

Satisfied by this Iris sped off towards the rocky path but not before taking off her jacket knowing it would be harder to move with it, and placing it on a random rock. She could feel her blood pumping and could hear her heart pounding in her ears but unlike earlier this time it was for survival and adrenaline while feeling the cold foggy air bite at her skin as she moved.

Iris gripped the bow and the arrows tightly  while her face remain calm but deep inside she was anything but, see could see and hear apes screeching and fighting. She made out 3 wolves running around, growling and trying to bite the apes who where trying to hold them off, she saw wolves ethier stabbed with spears or daggers, had arrows sticking out of them or were just plain beaten, laying dead on the rocky ground along with dead apes laying in pools of blood from bite wounds, she bolted into action while aiming as she ran then taking a shot striking the wolf down and killing it.

She sped over and pulled the arrow out of the wolf only to realize that the arrow head had broken off inside it and making her curse but didn't have much time to dewell in it when she heard a screech from a ape who pointed, warning her  to look behind to see a charging wolf.She quickly rolled out the way scraping her exposed skin, the wolf then charged at her again but she she quickly pulled a dagger out of one the dead wolves and pounced on it, slammed it to the ground and started  to stab into the animal repeatedly while she screamed, feeling the blood splatter on her skin while she could hear and feel her heart pound out of her chest, she plunged the knife for one final time before yanking it out.

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