Consequences of Ones Actions

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Then the man started to shift around uncomfortably in his chair after the young woman mentions the part of losing her virginity. Iris just stared at him a little amused as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms.

"What's wrong?..." she asked him.

He quickly cleared his throat and made weak eye contact with her.

"It's just...I never thought-

"That I would be a virgin till I was 23," she said bluntly.

The man nodded.

"You were a spitfire Iris...did a lot of crazy and dangerous took risks..." he said plainly.

"Well sex or boys wasn't really on my mind when I was running for my life and trying to stay alive..." she said sarcastically while she leaned forward in her chair"and once men found who I was they didn't really want to touch me which I had no problem really...half them were dumbasses I couldn't stand them why would I want to breed with them"she said as she ran a hand through her hair.

The man rubbed his eyes in exasperation at this. "So you suspected the old follower of Pope...Garret? be the one who arranged the attack on the village...was that true?" he asked trying to change the subject.

"That's what I thought at the time..." Iris said.

"But?" the man asked with a raised eyebrow.

Iris sighed deeply.

"The attack was just a bigger part of a bigger coup planned by a group of apes...." she said grimly.


Ape village 3 years ago

Iris sat on a log deep in thought at the end and somewhat deserted part of the village replaying the event that happened just 8 hours before in her head.

"What have done..." she said quietly as she touched her now banged shoulder, the reminder of what she and Mikey did.

She did something without thinking and because of that she lost something precious and not only that she learned about one her oldest friends has deep romantic feeling for her which made the act she did with him even worse, she loved Mikey she really did but not in that way.

"Why, why, why, why did I egg him on" she whimpered clutching her head.

She then stood up and started to pace around.

"Fuck!Fuck!" she said underneath her breath as she kicked the dirt a few times in frustration.

She had basically played with male feelings given him false hope of a relationship. She needed to tell Mikey soon, she can't live a lie to make him feel better.

"Fuck!!" she raised her voice as she ran her hand through her beaded hair and then rubbed her eyes.

Her sleep hadn't really improved and recent events didn't help that one bit, she couldn't believe her life is now completely fucked up and it happened and she let it. The only thing that changed about her sleeping arrangement was now she was staying in Maurice's hut because Luca was guarding Mikey's for the remainder of his house arrest. She made sure to scrub herself clean before she went into his hut knowing his sense of smell would catch into her easily as long with wrapping up her bite with animal skin while doing her best to hide it.

But it still didn't stop the stinging she swore it hurt more than the wolf bite,
She was also a little worried cause she knew Maurice was very smart and soon or later he might find out what happened which why she arrived at his hut when he was asleep and woke up early and left it before he woke up
leading her to be at the edge of the village pacing back and forth near the log she was at now.

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