Reunion of Friends

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"Seems like you had a dark view of the world back then Iris...we'll you weren't really wrong about it..." The man said.

"But it seems like now your view is even darker now..."

Iris just looked at him with tired eyes.


Ape Village 3 years ago

Iris walked down through the village ignoring the stares she was getting, unlike the stares she got on the first day in the village these where more out of nervousness and curiousity it was obvious that that apes that saw her actions today spread the news around. It was a slight annoyance but not infuriating, There where only a couple individuals that she was pissed with right now and she was thankful she ran off before she did something worse. But honestly she more tired emotionally and mentally then anything, She didn't know how her body could still function after the shit she had gone through. She was now wearing a white T-shirt thanks to Ellie who she had run into to replace her bloody one.

She then saw Zack with Ellie which made a rage start to boil causing her to she speed over the young man. The two noticed she was coming over but failed to notice the anger in her eyes and before the older woman could even say anything The young woman punched the man square in the jaw hard making him stumble back and groan in pain. Ellie looked between Iris and Zack in horror as she help the man stand up straight.

"You.. little..Shit!" She growled flexing her knuckles"OF ALL THE STUPID THINGS YOU EVER DONE ZACK WHAT YOU DID TODAY MAY HAVE BEEN THE DUMBEST FUCKING ONE!!" Iris screamed not brothering to hide her rage.

Zack laughed a little as he held jaw trying to get feeling back into it, Iris hadn't  noticed she was drawing attention to herself from onlooking eyes. Zack wiped blood dripping from his nose and  lip as Ellie looked at it in concern.

"Wow Iris you really nailed one on me" Zack chuckled as he brought his hand up to see the blood on his hand.

"Cut the wise cracks Zack" Iris seethed not in the mood for jokes at the moment " The apes here will do more then that if they find out you have "that" here" Iris said as she gestured to the pistol in his pants.

"This "thing" is what saved you and those babies from being tared to shreds Rodman" Zack told her seriously.

"That thing does more damage than good even if you gave it to someone"  Iris scoffed. She then grabbed him by the hem of his shirt"Not to mention you almost nicked my brother's kid you bastard!" she growled at him.

"Its not like you never used a gun Iris, if I recall you've killed a lot of people with one!" Zack bluntly pointed out.

The apes around them began to hoot in distress which was very common for their kind in intense situations speacily violent ones.

"Don't make me take it from you by force Zack"Iris warned.

Ellie was  becoming nervous by the out come of this fight

"Both of you please calm down!" Ellie pleaded to them but her plea went on death ears.

"No offense but I'm not crazy enough to give a killer a loaded gun" Zack said as he gripped the hand holding his shirt firm but not rough.

What Makes a Savage?(Story of Iris the Sister of Caesar)Where stories live. Discover now