The Impossible Has Been Achieved

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Iris held her head in her hand as she bent over in the chair, the cold air began to nip at the back of her neck.

"Iris the baby you where carrying...was it the one that..." The man tried to say carefully.

Iris brought her gaze up to look at him emotionless.


Ape village, 3 years ago

Iris sat on the log as she held her head with hair hanging down on her face, she was still trying to process that she carrying a life inside her, a hybrid for that matter. She barely paid attention to the humans and apes discussing intensely about her very predicament.

She felt a leathery hand grasped hers "Are you ok?"She snapped out her daze to see Cornelia eyes filled with concern.

"Not can't believe I'm pregnant..." She said hoarsly. She licked her chapped lips"I never..." she struggled to say words"I never planned on having childern..." she said quietly as she rested her hand against her abdomen.

"What am I going to do...God what am I going to do... " Iris said under her breath.

"Talk to Mikey..see what he thinks... about this situation" Blue Eyes said.

The young woman slowly turned her gaze into the direction of where the chimp was being held, she then sighed deeply and turned her gaze back to the Prince "Sweetheart...Mikey and I...have..." She tried to put it delicately" Problems...we are not stable enough to be parents" she told him softy while looking him with sad eyes.

"He heard the whole thing he's been devastated" Blue Eyes signed motioning his hand towards Mikey in the cage who was covering his face his shoulder's were shaking and he was sobbing but quietly.

"Fuck..." Iris said said under breath as she ran a hand through her hair. "What does your father say about this..." She asked while looking at Mikey in the corner of her eye.

"He and the council..are heated and your mother is...trying to get them calm" he explained.

"But we don't know what to do with Mikey, his fate is up to Cesear's hands"

"Zane's here children..why is he here?" Cornelia signed confused about the ape returning.

Iris popped up her head when she saw her friend"'ve heard..." Iris said quietly.

Zane eyed her up and down "I never thought you'd stoop low for a murderer" he glared at her " we found an intruder..." he commented taking his seat.

Iris frowned at this"What do you mean intruder?..."

"Get off me you goddamn Apes!!" Carley's familiar voice screeched trying to wrestle out of Luca's hold.

"Seriously that bitch again"Iris hissed under her breath as she quickly got up and went over to were the other female was.

"I'll murder every one of you sons of bitches in this Stronghold, to escape!!" She screeched kicking Luca's stomach the Gorilla was becoming irritated.

Iris marched right over to Carly and punched her hard in the jaw making the other woman howl in pain "Jesus Christ the cunt is back!!" Carley slurred.

"Well you deserved that after all the trouble you gave me earlier!" she yelled enraged at her.

"Why are you everywhere just die!!" Carley still not shutting up so Luca switched her around headbutted her.

What Makes a Savage?(Story of Iris the Sister of Caesar)Where stories live. Discover now