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"I'm curious about something Iris? Before you met Malcolm and his son and moved into the colony, you lived in the abonanded part city for about a year after the incidents with Alpha-Omega and from what just learned Pope...isn't that right?" he asked her.

She just stared at him blankly.

"And even though the colony kicked you out you still stayed in San Francisco...the place where most of your trauma and pain happened... why?" he asked curiously.

Iris started to feel her braclet then slowly trailing up her hand to feel the scars on her arm.

"Because it was my home...despite eveything that happened to me...and back then I had no where else to go..."


The Abandoned City 3 years ago

Iris was walking around the city looking for the building that she was suspose to meet Malcolm in, Maurice left awhile after they got in the city stating he had to do something as well. While Iris was a little curious she didn't brother with it, happy not to have a shadow looming over her anymore.

Her destination had brought her to a old decaying office building. She didn't really like the city because of a lot bad memories, very bad memories. She didn't want to stay here any longer then she should have to so she went inside the building. The building didn't look any better in the inside, the place was in a state of disarray but this didn't surprise her after everything that happened in the last 10 years.

Malcolm walking into the room snapped her out of memory lane. She could tell he was still a little upset about her bailing on him the the other day. Bruce who had standing patiently by her side the whole time looked back and forth between her and him, he started to wine at the tension causing Iris to pet the shepard to reassure him.

"Hey...I'm sorry about yesterday..." She said she said hoarsely.

"We can talk about that later, let's go to the back room the bodies are there" he said he gestured to the back room.

"Ok what did you find out?" she asked as she walked right past him along with Bruce.

"Iris there's something I need to tell you before you go in there!" he hollered while trying to catch up to her.

But by the time she opened the door to the room she found out what he was trying warn her about. Ellie who was comparing notes with what seemed like another doctor turned her head to Iris when she entered the room, she looked at her with worry how her reaction was going to be and she had the right to be worried. While she was happy to see Ellie and didn't really care about the other doctor, she wasn't really happy to see the two other people there. Both of them were men, the one guy who was staring hard at her was maybe close to Malcolm's age, his head was shaved with lightly tanned skin, and he wore brown cargo pants and jacket. His eyes showed her he had years of experience and seen a lot, everything about this man screamed military. She turned her head to the other man who was sitting in a chair against the wall, this man she knew quiet well and she definitely didn't like him, she hadn't seen him since they were teenagers. The man waved lazyly at her while giving her a smug smile, she told Bruce to sit and not to move.

"Malcolm what's this soldier doing here?...Or better yet what's this asshole doing here?!" she yelled while glaring.

"Your not happy to see me Iris, I'm hurt"he said sarcastically while gesturing a hand over his heart.

"Why would I be fucking happy to see a lazy, sexist, obnoxious, son of a bitch like you Zack..." she practically growled at him.

Zack looked around a little bit older then Iris, he was wearing a black shirt, a grey wind breaker jacket, blue worn jeans with brown hiking boots. He had short brown hair, grayish blue eyes, and clearly hadn't shaved in a couple days.

What Makes a Savage?(Story of Iris the Sister of Caesar)Where stories live. Discover now