Starry Sky

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" I didn't really have a permanent residence during the time I lived in the village... So I stayed with Luca for a while..." she said quietly with her gaze lowered as a couple tears ran down her checks which she quickly wiped away.

"What was your relationship like with him?" the man asked.

"A little awkward in the beginning...they most he would say to me was a sentence..."


The Ape Village 3 years ago

After Ellie stitched her she headed back to the jeep with Malcolm and Luca led Iris through the village, as she limped her way through she could see out of the corner of her eye the apes began to notice her and began to sign or screech either from curiosity or in anger and hate. Iris blocked them out and kept her head straight to stare into oblivion as she followed Luca, it was like she on auto pilot but it soon then felt like she would lose control when she gripped her chest lightly from having some trouble breathing , she was caught off guard when the gorilla growled at the apes to be quiet obviously getting tried of the screeching and comments.

The apes became silent and went back to what they were doing but she could feel most of them glaring daggers into her back, the gorilla then suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist while making her arm hold his shoulder, Iris looked at his arm then looked back at him in surprise and a little in irritation.

"Your too slow, taking to long to get there" he signed to her as he helped her limp the rest the way.

Iris scoffed and turned her gaze away from him, a couple minutes later they arrived at his hut, once inside she sat down and took couple deep breaths while running a hand through her still wet hair, Luca just stood there watching her.

"How long am I going to stay with you?..." she asked him weakly.

He didn't respond and instead went over to the other side of the hut and placed down the spear he had been carrying in his other hand and placed it against the wall of the hut.

"Are you ok with me staying here?" she asked getting a little annoyed by his lack of response.

He just looked at her still not responding.

"Are you even going to talk to me?" she asked bluntly.

He just huffed and walked out the hut before turning to look back at her.

"Don't leave" he signed to her sternly then leaving.

"Where am I going to go?..." she scoffed quietly.

She then leaned her head back against the hut and closed her eyes getting lost in deep thought.


It was becoming darker and Luca still hadn't come back yet, Iris could feel her anxiety acting up from being in the hut for too long and it didn't help that she felt and heard to many others around her, speacily since some of them hated her very exsistance.

No longer being able to stand being couped up she snuck out of the hut while staying hidden in the darkness, she crept further away from torches from the village until the only light she saw was the moon and the stars.

She stared at them in awe as she backed into something hard she turned around to see it was a watch tower made of wood she also noticed that no one using it, getting a idea she climbed up it while ignoring the pain in her ankle until she got to the top, she then sat down to stare at the sky.

The stars were a sorce of comfort for her at night when the city lost it's power nine years ago and she enjoyed watching them even before that, she liked them out in woods better because you could see them clearer. She was so lost in her own little world that she didn't even noticed someone was climbing up with a torch until they where half way up.

She turned around quickly ready to face the worst for only for her to face Blue Eyes, she sighed a little in relief at this not seeming to notice the young ape's stern stare.

"Blue what you doing out here?..." she asked softly.

"I could ask you the same thing" he signed as he got closer too her.

"I started to suffocate in the hut...I don't do well in closed spaces for to one saw me I'm in the darkness."

She knew apes couldn't couldn't she that well in the dark so they mostly lit torches or went to sleep when it was dark.

"Not many apes like you being here, most of them hate humans do realize what could have happened if one of them caught you?" he sighed aggressively to her clearly mad.

Iris could tell from his eyes something had him overwhelmed.

"What happen today?" she asked.

Blue Eyes took a deep huff.

"Ape council gathered to talk about you"

"And most are pissed that I'm staying here" she said bluntly.

He nodded as she sighed running her hand through her hair.

"He told them by you living here and learning from us we can show the other humans we are not savages, so we can come to a peace."

"It's going take a lot more that Blue...for both sides..." she quietly while returning to look at the sky.

Her response made him look at her solemnly.

"Why are you up here anyways?"

She turned her head back to him and smiled a little she then put her hand on the torch and started to pull the torch closer to her, Blue Eyes realized what she about to do and started to pull it back.

"It be alright" she told him softly.

"I won't be able to see" he signed.

"It's ok my vision in the dark is better so I can lead you down afterwards" she told him reasure him.

He still looked uncertain until she touched his hand.

"Trust..." she said quietly.

He looked at the torch then to her, he then reluctantly let her blow out the torch and darkness surrounded them , she touched his shoulder and gestured for him to look at the sky.

"This is why I'm up here."


Here's another chapter I hope you guys like it and I hope you guys had a good thanksgiving :)

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