New life

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We walked to school together. Slight gap between us but even with that gap, I could feel him stealing glances at me roughly every 30 seconds. After a while, I finally muster the courage to ask why.  "Why are you looking at me like that does it not suit me?" I asked. He smiled "no it's just those girls might take away my little Taemin" he laughed as he pinched my cheeks. I laughed and so did he. When we got to school lots of people began to stare. I was afraid of people's eyes and how they judged me. Without realising I was griping Jonghyun's blazer. He looked at me and smiled "they are not judging you they just don't know how to react to the change" I nodded and Jonghyun walked me to my class.

We said our goodbyes and as soon as he was gone that girl who had recently bullied me surrounded me. One girl started to flutter her eyelashes and try to look cute. "Oppa~," one girl said as she waltzed towards me. "Oppa~ what's your name?" She said as she fluttered her eyelashes again. I hesitantly said, "it's me... Taemin ". They looked at me with wide eyes. They slowly walked away their expressions unchanged; wide-eyed and mouths slightly open.  Walking past them was easy trying to ignore their stares was harder.

Was I that ugly that they ignored me? Fear and self-doubt began to creep up on me and I wondered if changing myself was a good idea.

Shaking off these feelings swelling up in I reassured myself that I wanted a new life and this was going to be it.

I watched the teacher walk in he looked at us the same as always yet when our eyes met he smiled at me "oh I see we have a new student" he said pointing toward me. I looked at him "'s me Taemin," I said. Some people laughed and some people looked at me with wide eyes. I looked down at my desk in embarrassment. The teacher cleared his throat and began class.

Once classes were over. I got up and walked to the lunch hall. Everyone was whispering and staring at me. Was this normal?

I walked into the lunch hall. I looked for the others and I saw Jonghyun he smiled and waved his hand. I smiled and waved back. I walked toward them and sat down. Everyone stared at me but Jonghyun. After a while key finally spoke, "I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong table". I sighed and placed my head in my hands "it's me Taemin why is everyone saying that" I grumbled. Jonghyun laughed and patted my head "it's going to be okay just think your life is going to get a whole lot better" he began to smile.

Key wrapped his arm around me "your just my type" he laughed and winked at me. Minho gave him a look almost of jealousy. I laughed and so did the others.

My phone buzzed and looked at it. My eyes grew wide. Key looked at my phone "tea what's wrong" he asked. "My dad....he has just been in an accident," I said feeling my eyes well up with tears. Jonghyun stood up and walked over to me. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the hall. "We are going to the hospital now," he said not looking back. I nodded trying to hold back the tears. I'm such a cry baby I told myself.

New author notes ah chapter 4. I've told myself I will write a little comment with every chapter just so you guys know I honestly appreciate you guys so much but it's hard to write something every time without it sounding like I'm just repeating myself.
The struggle is real.

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