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taemin p.o.v

key and jonghyun have been acting so strange, they keep looking at each other so angrily yet they have smiles on their faces...maybe they have mutual love? "hey guys?" i said. They turned to me and smiled in unison "yes?" key said. "is there something you guys aren't telling me?" i asked. key smiled and looked at jonghyun "nothing at all, right jonghyun?" key said. jonghyun returned a smile "yep that's right. why would you think that tae?". "well it's just that you guys seem to be acting strange that's all" i smiled. key laughed "are we? nothings going on don't worry " key said. I laughed "okay okay".

jonghyun p.o.v

wow I really did love his smile...wait! I shouldn't be saying that about a guy! "jjong you okay?" taemin asked worridly. "yeah I'm fine" i smiled and ruffled his hair. key glared at me. Still smiling I grabbed taemins hand "have you been okay?". blushing slightly he smiled "yeah I have been good kinda missing everyone though". "did you miss me the most?" i teased. taemin blushed "i missed-" "so what do you guys want?" he interrupted. taemin turned his view towards the menu "i want a milkshake with blueberry pancakes" he smiled. "okay, I want what he is having" i smiled. "fine" key said slightly annoyed "waiter!" key shouted towards the waiter. "yes sir" the waiter smiled. "we would like 3 milkshakes and 3 blueberry pancakes" he smiled. "what flavours would you like" the waiter asked. "chocolate!" taemin smiled. "chocolate? okay chocolate for me too" i smiled. key smiled "me too". The waiter wrote the order down "okay so 3 servings of blueberry pancakes and 3 chocolate milkshakes" the waiter said. We all nodded "okay will that be all?" he asked. "yep that it" taemin smiled passing all of our menus to him. The waiter bowed and walked away. "you guys don't have to get what I am getting" taemin said sheepishly. "we like what you like that's all" I said ruffling hair.

key p.o.v

omg I feel like the third wheel here. look at the way he is smiling at him, makes me want to kill him. jealously doesn't suit me... It really doesn't. just the thought of jealously made me laugh...wait they probably look crazy and my thoughts were correct they looked at me with worried eyes. "key?" taemin said worridly. I shook away the thoughts "yes?". his worried look melting away becoming a gentle smile "thats good" and we just stared at each other. my heart beating so loud nothing felt like it was important all the mattered was him and me. "wow this awkward" jonghyun huffed. and just like that the feeling was gone and hatred grew. "jjong could I talk to you for a moment" i smiled placing a hand on his shoulder. "sure" he smiled. "can I come?" taemin asked. "sorry but if you leave who will say okay to the food " i smiled reassuringly.  he nodded "be back soon" jonghyun said. I gently pulled him away once out of taemins view i pushed him against the wall "now listen here! you better listen don't you dare a word just listen" i said through gritted teeth. he just nodded "now I realised something! do you know what it feels like to love? it makes you crazy it...It makes you feel like that person is your only hope. when they are gone you crazy wondering if the are missing you just as much as you are missing them... to the point where your heart feels like it's going to explode" i felt the tears fill my eyes and i tightened my grip on his shirt "do you know what it was like watching him the coma and then finding out you love them and there might not be a chance for you to ever tell them" i blinked trying not cry "so when you find he is awake you try you hardest to make them happy but when you see him crying over a fool like you do you not how it feels.... he's completely in love with you the same as I am with him yet why does it have to be you" the tears escaped my eyes "i hate you....i do... why must it be you..."i sobbed. he hugged me, he didn't say a word just hugged me tightly. "i don't need to be hugged by a fool like you" i sobbed and struggled from his embrace but he was too strong "why...why don't you just say I love you?" he spoke finally.

"jjong?" taemin said with tears in his eyes. I pushed him away "this isn't what you think it is" i shouted in panic. taemin just weakly smiled "congratulations for the both of you" he turned and ran away. "no taemin!" I shouted. jonghyun held onto my hand "no...don't go" he said weakly. "what! what are you doing? We have to tell him the truth!" i shouted and slapped away his hand.

I ran as fast as my feet would take me, my breath heavy I saw him. grabbing his wrist I pulled him into a tight hug "taemin what you saw was wrong" i said. he hugged me back "so you don't love jonghyun?" he asked. "no! god no! see the thing that I am in love with...With you" i stuttered. he pushed me away and looked at me "what?" he whispered. "I'm....I'm in love with you" i said feeling myself blush. "no... This isn't suppose to happen... key you know I love someone else right? You were the one who told me I was in love" he said panicking. "it's okay I needed to tell you...It's quite good you rejected to me in some way because now I can move on" i said trying to act cool while my heart felt like it was shattering. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry" he said looking so upset. I ruffled his hair "I'm the one who should be depressed not you... do me a favour okay?" i said. he looked at me "what is it?" he asked. i leaned in and whispered in his ear "go to him and tell him" and I walked away. "key! Thank you" he shouted.  I waved so that he would see my tears. It was truly over now... truly over now.

walking became a blur and my eyes began to feel with tears again. stay strong don't show weakness again... wait untill you get home. It was like every couple in korea suddenly wanted to walk down the streets. They were all cooing over each other and making cute faces... i wanted throw up. trudging along i tried to ignore them walking to the apartment building. The elevator was out of order "great" i sighed. trudging up the stairs I sighed more times than I could count. reaching the door I tumbled around with the keys trying to get in. tears filling my eyes from anger and saddness slowly piling on the weight that was baring down on me. finally getting in i collapsed at the door way and the tears fell. I just sat there as the tears ran down my face... I didn't even care anymore I really didn't.

"ya! where have you been all day..." his words trailed off as he looked at me "oh god it happened didn't it" he asked. i lay there tears still running down my sore cheeks. minho started to play with his hands "you okay?" he mumbled. I laughed "am i okay? am i okay! do I look okay? I just had my heart ripped out and thrown to the gutter by the boy I love and I had to pretend that it didn't affect me!" i shouted breathing heavily. he started to fiddle with his hand more "is there anything I can do?" he asked. i just laid back on door "help me up " i said. "where are you going?" he asked as he helped me up. "to get drunk" i grumbled and walked through the door again "when will you be back" he shouted. "when I don't feel like I am dying and when I can look at couples again " i shouted and waved goodbye. "remember don't do anything that I wouldn't do!" he shouted. "can't keep that since that would result in not drinking " i shouted and he laughed.

minho p.o.v

"good luck" i whispered  and shut the door. even though he was gone for minutes the house seemed empty without him. "what just happened?" onew said through a mouthful of food. "key is on a search for himself that's all" I smiled. onew shrugged his shoulder "okay" he said and continued eating. "i love you" i said hugging him tightly. he smiled "i love you too and that means a lot because I love food a lot!" he laughed.

i hope key can find his happiness as well....

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