short story part 2

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why did his heart thump with nervousness when he was close to jonghyun. something about him hated it yet another side of him felt only a sweet yet sour taste of nervousness and joy. he sighed just because he could and then just like magic he appeared.....

"s-sorry... i didnt know anyone was up here" jonghyun laughed nervously. "na it's okay I'm leaving anyway" taemin said and walked towards the door. jonghyun stepped infront of the door "wait! I...i need to apologise to you" jonghyun said flustered. taemin just stood there looking at jonghyun mesmerised at the way his cheeks were flushed a gentle red and the way his skin shone in the light. "here" jonghyun said pushing a box into his hands. taemin looked at the box "what's this?" taemin stuttered. "well it's cake...It's my apology" jonghyun said while rubbing the back of his neck. taemin opened the box "wow that's a lot of cake" he laughed. "yeah... i didnt know what you liked" jonghyun mumbled scuffing his shoes. happiness causing a smile on his face "thank you " he smiled. jonghyun looked at him with a shine his eyes which made taemin fall even deeper, he smiled so warmly taemin wasn't ready for it and like that cupids arrow hit taemin hard. jonghyun grabbed him by the hand "come on let's eat!" he shouted excitedly. smiling taemin followed along. jonghyun rummaged through his bag and pulled out two forks "ta da ~" he smiled passing taemin a fork. silence fell heavily while they ate until jonghyun broke the silence "so what's a smart guy like you doing ditching class" jonghyun asked curiosity coating his words. taemin took a deep breath and looked at the sky "freedom" he breathed. "freedom?" jonghyun asked. "yes freedom... i always wanted to be from the way society wants me to of expectations... free from everything, that's why I come here because while people are being forced to follow societies expectations I go against it and skip class" taemin said closing his eyes. "you and I are very similar" jonghyun smiled. "similar?" taemin repeated. jonghyun nodded "yep... We both crave freedom just as much as a bird does in a cage" jonghyun said looking taemin in the eye and for almost a moment it felt like everything had stopped dead in place. In his mind he had reached out to taemin gently smile it at him but in reality he just stood there looking at him. "are you okay?" jonghyun said worridly getting closer. instinctively taemin took a step back and jonghyun looked at him confused "I'm sorry" he said disappointment in his eyes. taemin reached out to him but pulled my hand back quickly "got a fork?" taemin smiled. he looked up and nodded "I am prepared!" jonghyun smiled pulling out two forks. Taemin laughed to himself softly while jonghyun placed a cake in his hands "eat!" He smiled and began to eat his own.

Maybe it was the summer breeze that made taemin feel so at ease or was it the way that just by having jonghyun there.

"Taemin" jonghyun said waving a hand in front of taemins face. Just hearing him say his voice made him smile "yeah" taemin breathed and for a split second they just held eye contact and forgot everything around them.

Breaking the silence jonghyun cleared his throught and the bell rang "lunch time!" Taemin said exciting blushing slightly at his out burst. Jonghyun laughed "let's go! It's my treat!" He shouted pulling himself off the ground and then pulling taemin up as well. It seemed taemin was finally finding someone who made him smile... he just had to keep a hold of it now....

Days seemed to pass in a blink of an eye and just like that it's had been one month since taemin had known and had grown fonder of jonghyun. Seeing jonghyun caused butterflies in his stomach and he was lost for words when he saw his smile.

The problem was that taemin didn't know how to express these overwhelming feelings that was growing in his chest.

"Taemin?" Key whispered in taemins ear causing him to jump. Key bust into laughter and clapped his hands. Jonghyun gave him a sharp look and key looked and dramatically collapsed into minho's arm "uh...hyung....why?...why did you shoot me?" He said dramatically. Minho breathed and pushed him off "well die somewhere else" he turning to onew. Key looked at him with abandoned eyes "even you?"he said placing a hand on his forehead "who will love me now?" He asked. Onew attempted to reach out to him but minho stopped him and quietly warned him something on the lines of "don't give him hope". Jonghyun turned to taemin and started a conversation. Key sat up "really? Not one of you would help me in my hour of need!" He shouted. We looked at each other in silent agreement and we all turned to each other and minho breathed "it's because we love you that we don't help you". He scoffed "yeah right! If you loved me you would encourage me to be an actor......" his eyes widened "omg! I am going to be an actor!"he shouted jumping off the floor and speeding towards the door. "Where are you going?" Jonghyun shouted. Key turned to him "to be an actor!"and like that key was gone. Jonghyun turned to minho "how do I know him" and minho agreed.


Jonghyun had been attached to taemin since the moment they met. It was something about him that was so mysterious that's it drove him crazy with the want for his questions to be answered. Taemin filling his thoughts and his voice soothing and gentle yet he had a side to him which was mischievous and childish.

So when jonghyun thought everything was going okay.... he couldn't have been more wrong.

One day taemin just snapped.

"Hey tae " jonghyun smiled putting an arm around him and taemin brushed him off and continued to walk to his lessons. "Hey tae" jonghyun repeated quickening his pace to match his but still he was ignored. "Hey tae" he repeated. Taemin stopped dead in his tracks and he turned to him with eyes wide. "Stop! Just stop!" He shouted breathing heavily. Jonghyun reached out to him only to be slapped away "don't touch me!" he screamed. Jonghyun looked at him in complete shock "tae... what's wrong?" He asked. Taemin looked at him "tae? Tae! My name is taemin!" He shouted. His breathing was heavier than usual and he had sweat running down his face "you... you have a fever" jonghyun said placing his hand on taemins forehead. Taemin slapped his hand away "don't touch me!...just don't" he breathed and started to walk away. Jonghyun stood there in complete shock. He felt like taemin had just stabbed him yet he still cared and was still worried. I have to go help him he's sick! One side of him thought while his other side screamed what the hell just happened! Who is he to just snap at a person like that . Confusion filling his stomach with anger and his heart breaking in to jonghyun started to run.

He ran because he was angry

He ran because he want to hold taemin and tell him it was okay

He ran because.....

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