Don't say goodbye

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Authors note: hi guys I am going to do this chapter and maybe the next chapter from Jonghyun's perspective so please forgive me if I have confused you

"Jonghyun are you okay?" Minho asked. I looked at him and rubbed a hand across my face. "How long have you been sitting there?" he asked. I just shrugged my shoulders. How long had I been sitting next to Taemin's bed? Minho placed a hand on my shoulder "go get some rest I will look after him while you're gone" he smiled. I looked at him hoping he would give up on me moving yet exhaustion had worn off any look I may muster. I sighed and got up "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back soon" I said to Minho. Minho just nodded and smiled.

My legs felt like jelly and I wobbled out of the room. I washed my face and sighed. Maybe he wasn't going to wake up I told myself. Shaking my head in disbelief. I walked back to the room and Minho sat there with his back to me. I knew he was crying but I didn't say anything to save his pride. "Minho it's okay now...I can look after him" I said calmly. Minho sniffed and wiped away his tears. He got up and placed a hand on my shoulder "thanks" he tried a smile.

I never realised that there were other people affected by Taemin's hospitalisation. Sitting down next to him I laughed "it seems people love you more than you think". I sighed and placed my head in my hands. I don't know how long I had been in that position but when a woman in black came in, she gave me a weak smile. "His father's funeral is beginning". I nodded. "Would you like to say something in his place?"? she asked. Nodding I got up and followed her.

I stood there in front of all these people I didn't know yet I felt the tears make my eyes blurry. I blinked holding them back. "I never met lee dong min but I believe that he was a great man. His son is my best friend and if he can raise such a friend then he truly must have been a good man" I felt the tears overflow "I talked to him once and yet he never judged me or say anything horrible. He just smiled warmly and welcomed me into his home" I spoke through the tears. "Lee dong min was my friend and in some ways my hero". I bowed and walked away from the funeral. Wiping away the tears I ran back to Taemin's room. "Taemin wake up now okay? Please this is the best time now. I need my friend back...." I cried. "Please". For a split second, I could feel his hand move but it was just a figment of my imagination.

Keys point of view

Jjongs had been here for days. When was the last time he washed his hair or changed his clothes? "Jjong. Are you okay?" I asked. He didn't turn his head or even hear me. I just watched. My heart ached as I watched Jjong suffer by himself. Was watching good enough. Most likely not but Jjong needed to be himself to get better.

Seeing him like this reminds me of that accident. I remember how he stayed by her side until her last breath.

I remember...... 

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