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Min Yoongi was once happy this day 5 years ago. But today, the memory is haunting him as he is driving. He is happy with his band, happy with his life now. Except one thing is missing; his family. He knows he can never go back.

Back to his childhood, back to his family.

He chose his career over his family, but he hopes that someday they will understand.

He hopes someday that they will watch as he does what he loves most, and spread that throughout the world.

He hopes he would be able to see them again. One day.

But he never knows if it will actually happen. Maybe he will never see his family again. Maybe he will go back to see them.

It was all so unpredictable, the future. Wasn't it? You never knew what would happen.

Today, he was driving back home as the sun was going down. If he never took the risk of abandoning his family, then he may not have had this car. Maybe he would be walking the streets, a young boy that was vulnerable.

But he doesn't have to live like that anymore.

As he pulled into his driveway, he watched as his house crawled closer to him.

He would not have this if he didn't take the risk.

When he pulled into the driveway, he realized there was a car already parked.

Who could it be?

He stepped out as he parked his car. Curious, he looks around to see if the owner was anywhere nearby.

He doesn't see anyone, so he shrugs and walks to the front door of his house.

That's when he sees her.

As he walks up to her, he realizes in horror. Those eyes were familiar, like his lost childhood. The facial features were similar to his.

"Hello, brother. Care to allow me inside?"

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