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"HAPPY CHUSEOK JOONIE HYUNG!!!!" Was what Kim Namjoon woke up to early Autumn's Eve morning.

Namjoon, tired and still half-asleep, falls back into bed, and ends up being squashed by two humans. Surprised, Namjoon pushes the two individuals off, and sees Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok standing there, smiles on their faces.

"What do you want?" Namjoon asks in his morning voice.

"Did you hear us correctly hyung? It's Chuseok!" Jimin says, and giggles excitedly.

"You are such little kids." Namjoon says, and then sits up slowly. Jimin and Hoseok run back out of the room and scream from down the hallway, probably to wake up the other members.

Not ready to get up, Namjoon sits there, until another human being comes into the room. Rubbing his eyes, Namjoon sees Kim Seokjin come into the room.

"I've got to cook the songpyeon, the  rice cakes, and the fruit for tonight," Jin starts, rambling about the Chuseok food. "Can you help me cook for the big dinner?"

"Sure. Can I get dressed first?" Namjoon asks, and Jin's eyes widen.

"Yeah, sorry."

Jin closes the door behind him, and Namjoon changes into a nice shirt and pants.

BTS' manager had let them take the day off, since they have worked so hard and it was a holiday today.

When Namjoon was done getting dressed, he walked out of his room and saw a complete disaster. In the hallway, Taehyung was chasing Jimin, probably because Jimin woke up Taehyung too early. Jungkook has no shirt on and Hoseok was on the couch in the living room, poking an asleep Yoongi.

"Yah! What happened here?!" Namjoon yells, and everyone, even a sleepy Yoongi, looks at him.

"Everyone just sit down and calm yourselves." He says, and they all sit on the couch. Jin, who was facing the stove in the kitchen, turns around and looks at Namjoon approvingly.

Everyone is quiet, until Namjoon sits in a chair. Immediately, there is conversation among themselves, and Namjoon turns on the TV, searching for a good channel.

Soon after, the other members go and change, looking nice for the occasion.

"I'm World Wide handsome, eh?" Jin says, coming up to Namjoon. He shows off his polo, Namjoon nodding awkwardly, and then Jin goes back to the kitchen.

Namjoon starts to help Jin cook, and soon after everything is prepared. The members sit at the table, staring at the delicious-looking food. There was a ton of fruit, enough rice cakes to fill an elephant, songpyeon of different colors, and many other Korean dishes.

Hungrily, the members waited patiently until Namjoon and Jin put plates in front of them.

"Ready? Dig in!"


Hey guys, I'm sorry it's been a while since I've updated. But, luckily, I decided to do a little Thanksgiving special, since it's Thanksgiving today where I live. Hopefully you have a good day/good Thanksgiving🍁🦃🍽!!



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