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Kim Taehyung always observed his crush, Lee Ara, from afar. He liked everything about her. Her light brown hair and eyes, and fair skin all made her what Taehyung thought of as perfect. But, her life was far from perfect, just like his.

Ara's father was going through addiction, and her mother did nothing to help. Her mother loved her father with all of her heart, but she had no idea how to help him. Ara's sister went through depression and is going through therapy. Her brother is a player, bringing a different girl home every night. Ara herself was being bullied by the popular girls at their school.

Taehyung's parents were divorced, and Taehyung didn't get to see them much because he was working with his band after school. The only good things in his life were his band, and her.

Taehyung had only talked to her once, since he had been too shy the other times to talk.

But today was different. He was going to ask her out.

He puffed out his chest in the mirror that morning, trying to boost his confidence. It worked a little, but there was still doubt in his mind.

He walked into school with his casual but nice outfit, and went to his locker. He was planning to pull her away during lunch and ask her.

When lunch came, his friends pushed him to do it, but Taehyung was too frightened to even walk over there to get a new spoon—he had dropped his spoon on the floor earlier.

He decided to wait and ask her at the end of the day.

He went through the rest of his classes, and when they were dismissed, he got up and took off to his locker. This was his time.

He had everything ready, and slung his book bag on his shoulder. He walked to Ara's locker, and found not just Ara, but the popular girls too. They pinned Ara against a locker and started writing on her face in permanent marker.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" He yelled, not thinking.

"What do you think? Now go away before I send my friends on YOU too." The leader, Kim Baekhee says.

"No." He says, and squares his shoulders, making himself appear bigger.

"Okay. Chaerin, Daewon, go beat him." She says, and the two girls walk confidently up to him. The girl named Chaerin pulls back her fist ready for a punch, but Taehyung pushed past them with ease and pushed Baekhee away from Ara.

"What's your problem? Is she like, your girlfriend?" She glances at the other two girls, and they start laughing.

"No. I'm just doing something that I have to do. Stand up against you idiots." He says, and Baekhee rolls her eyes.

"Go." He whispers to Ara, and she runs.

"Oh great. Now you let her get away!" Baekhee complains, and attacks him.


The next day, Taehyung had bruises, but he wasn't too hurt.

He went to his locker and got his stuff together when he heard footsteps coming toward him. He turned to see Ara standing there in front of him. He shook his head to make sure he wasn't imagining it, but when he looked again she was still there.

"I'm sorry you had to step in and help me. Thank you." She says, and bows.

"Whoa whoa, you don't have to bow to me," he says, and Ara stands back up again so she can see him.

"Yes I do. Thank you for saving me." She turns away to walk back to her locker, but Taehyung grabs her wrist.

"I wanted to ask you something actually." He says, and Ara turns around. Here goes nothing.

"Would you kind of want to... go out for dinner sometime?" He asks, and she smiles.

"Yeah, I would like that."

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