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It was winter, and Jungkook and Yoongi were sitting in a ski shop. They wore bright blue heavy coats and boots that were as heavy and difficult to walk in as boulders.
How'd they get here? They wanted to go on a vacation to a ski resort for the weekend.
Jungkook was starting to regret it when he started shivering. The ice and snow had gotten under his jacket, so he was sitting on the bench in his ski gear, rubbing his arms for warmth.
Yoongi was perfectly fine. He made sure to wear skin-tight clothing, so nothing got underneath. He smirked  at how vulnerable Jungkook looked, but kept to himself.
Hoseok was at a hot chocolate station getting all three of them some hot cocoa. He had little money left, so he got small cups, which were only 16 ounces.
Hoseok walked over to the two when he was done, and the two took the cups gratefully. They thanked him and then Hoseok took his own cup, sitting on the bench next to Jungkook.
They started discussing where to ski next, but Jungkook was too cold to speak. You could almost see the icicles forming on the top of his nose. Fed up with it, Jungkook took off his coat, and brushed the ice off. He instantly felt better, and slowly stopped shivering. He put his coat back on, but got really hot. Instead of taking it off again, he got up from the bench and went out the door to stand outside. His hot chocolate might get cold, but he didn't care. He liked it cold anyways.
Yoongi and Hoseok looked at each other in confusion, but followed Jungkook outside. They had already finished their cups and threw them away. They grabbed their skis, and Jungkook's too, and went outside.
When they reached Jungkook, he was staring out at the mountain. There were small skiers gliding down the mountain in zigzagged lines.
When they discussed where to go next, Jungkook picked a double black diamond course. Yoongi and Hoseok followed, but were unsure if they should do it. After all, they weren't as experienced as Jungkook. They were always up for a challenge though, and decided to go.
They went up the lift, and talked about how they think the course will be.
When it was time to get off, they got off smoothly and turned to their left to start. Jungkook immediately started off without them, too excited to wait. Hoseok and Yoongi could hear Jungkook's shouts of joy as he went down the mountain.
Hoseok was the next to go, he started off slow, since the mountain was steep, but he eventually got the hang of it.
Yoongi was the last one, and he was nervous. The mountain looked like it went vertically from Yoongi's view, so it scared him to death. Even if he was nervous, he mustered the courage to take a ski and push it forward.
He started out rocky. He stumbled a few times when his skis crossed, and he was trying to gain momentum. He eventually pushed off fast enough that he started down the mountain. Yoongi made sure to keep control of his speed like Jungkook had taught him, but it was harder than he thought. He tried going in zigzags like all of the other skilled skiers, and it worked. He went slow and steady.
At one point, the mountain started going steep. Yoongi lost all control.
Slipping and sliding, he tried to get a grip, but all the zigzags he tried to do made him stumble.
Giving up, Yoongi went straight. He soon realized this was a bad idea.
He started going faster and faster, and he tried to stop himself, but nothing worked. He was going to fast to ever stop.
He moved his right foot to turn and stop on the side of the mountain, but he didn't turn enough.
He was heading straight for the trees.
Desperately, he lifted his left foot to stop himself. Instead, he was frozen in place with his left foot out in the air.
His face was smacked against bark, and his knees buckled. His ski ran into the tree, and bark scattered everywhere from the impact. Some went in his mouth, and he spit it out, coughing. His breath hitched, and he was winded. He laid his back in the snow, and some got in his hair. He didn't care at this point, he just needed help.
All of a sudden, he feels a sharp pain in his chest. He can't breath because the wind was knocked out of him, but he tries to with all the will power he has. When he gets him breath back, he sits up and looks at his chest.
That's when he sees a sharp piece of jagged metal stuck in his chest. He looks around to see where it came from, and sees that a part of his ski had broken off.
He looked at the snow around him, which was pink from the blood. He laid back down, feeling a sudden wave of nausea.
Now he really needed help. 

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