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Jung Hoseok loves going to the beach. He loved the fresh salty air and the feel of the sand beneath his foot. Ever since a child, he wanted to live by the coast. He never did as a kid, and only enjoyed the beach on vacations, getting as much time as possible on the beach as he could until his family had to leave.

Today, he lived on the coast, as happy as ever. When he found out his band was working in a city with a beach, he almost exploded with joy. He was a little sad to move away from his family, but you had to make sacrifices to be happy, right?

With his feet in the sand, he was reading a book at his favorite place on earth.

Even if he had a book in his hand, it didn't mean he was actually reading it. He was staring at a girl walking along the shoreline instead. The only reason he had a book is so he could hold it up in his face so she couldn't see him staring at her.

She was really pretty, with long wavy dark brown hair. Her skin was smooth and had a light tan; she wasn't the pasty-white like all the other girls Hoseok had seen. Her bathing suit was a beautiful blue color, which looked good on her.

Hoseok, knowing that he sounded creepy when he thought that, tried to look away. He had to peel his gaze away from her and stare at a lonely seagull hopping around looking for scraps. He watched it, and he tried to push the thought of girl to the back of his mind for a while. He put the book down when he remembered that he brought a snack with him.

He took the lunch out, which was a whole bunch of Korean snacks that he made from home. He started to dig in, liking the peace since he picked a spot with not that many people around. Most people liked to be near the shore, but Hoseok stayed back in the dunes. He didn't mind the walk to the water. It was good exercise, and plus: no people to bother him.

He thought to himself happily, eating his kimchi he packed for himself. He always liked kimchi, there was something about it that tasted good...

"Excuse me?" A voice speaks in English from beside him, which sounds very feminine. Hoseok looks to his right, and sees the girl from earlier. She was American, and was shivering even if it was a hot day today.

"Yes?" He asked, silently calling all of his basic English words from the back of his mind.

"I forgot my towel at the hotel... Do you have one I could borrow?" She asks, and Hoseok just stares at her. He wasn't really listening, and hadn't understood a word she said.

"Hello?" She says, looking at Hoseok with a puzzled face, wondering why he hadn't answered her.

Hoseok realizes he was staring, and shakes his head to clear his thoughts.

"Sorry, mwo?" He asks, and the girl keeps looking at him, worried and confused.

"You speak Korean." She mutters under her breath.

"Do you speak English?" She asks, and Hoseok replies with "yeah."

"Okay. Do you have a towel I can borrow?" She asks again, emphasizing on what she wants. Hoseok could only understand what she said when she points to the towels sitting next to him, and then pointing at herself.

"Oh! Ne mullon! Yes!" He says and then hands her the towels.

"Sorry." He says, and gives her an apologetic look.

"It's fine." She replies, and then wraps the towel around herself.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" She asks, and points at the spot next to him so he can understand.

"Yeah." He says, and she sits down. "You want snack?" He tries to ask in English, and she grins at him.

"Yes please."

Hoseok takes food out of the bag he had and gave her a bag of shrimp-flavored crackers.

"What the heck are these?!" She asked, with a horrified look on her face. Hoseok could only understand a few words she was saying, but her expression said it all. He started laughing, and opened the bag for her, grabbing one and putting it in his mouth, "Good."

She tries one, and makes a disgusted face at the bag.

"No thanks," she hands the bag back to him. He shrugs, and takes one out of the bag, popping it into his mouth.

"Do you... talk Hangul?" He asks, and she raises one eyebrow at him.

"What? If you're asking if I can speak Korean, then I'll answer you with this; nope." She says, and Hoseok looks at her, bewildered. He was trying his best to keep up with her, but he ended up staring at her face and zoning out.

"mwolago haessni? [what did you say?]" He asks, and the girl gives him an annoyed glance.

"I don't speak Korean," She says, and gives a few hand signals so he could understand.

"Ahhh." He says after he figures it out, and is interrupted by the vibrating in his pocket. It was his manager.

"Got take this." He says to the girl, and points at the phone. He gets up and walks a few feet away from her.


"Annyeonghaseyo Hoseok. Eodiya? [where are you?]"

"Naneun haebyeon-eissda, Jaehyun gamdog. [I'm at the beach, manager Jaehyun.]"

"Uliegeneun jung-yohan geos-i issseubnida. Jigeum dangjang dangsin-i pil-yohae. Ppalliwa. [Well, we have something important. We need you here right now. Come soon.]" He immediately hangs up after that, and Hoseok stares at the screen. So much for a goodbye.

Hoseok looks back at his spot, and sees the girl is gone. The towel is there in her spot, and when Hoseok looks around, he sees she is back in the water. He sighs to himself, and packs up his stuff, leaving the towel she used. He walks back to the car, but not before leaving a note for her.

만나서 반가 웠습니다. 나는 더 이상 머물 수 없도록 유감 스럽지만 여기 수건이있어서 춥지 않습니다. 한국에서의 즐거운 시간 보내십시오.

[It was nice meeting you. I'm sorry that I couldn't stay longer, but here is a towel so you aren't cold. Enjoy your stay in Korea.]


I'm sorry that I haven't written in a while, probably about a month😭. I just haven't had the motivation. Luckily I think I got it back after a break. I actually got over a thousand words in this chapter, so that's good😂. Again, I'm sorry. I'm trying to get back into the flow of things, and I'm trying to keep a good creative flow. I hope you guys understand.

Anyways, I hope you guys have a good day/night, wherever you live.


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