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Today was a special day for BTS. It was their first performance since their last comeback. They missed being on stage after planning everything for their new comeback, and so badly wanted to be on that stage again. Excited, all of the members were riled up, jumping and dancing around.

"Calm down Jimin. Taehyung, it's your turn for makeup. Jungkook, go and help them do the microphone check." The manager was prying them every 2 seconds, and everyone was nervous.

"Do you think the crowd will be excited?" Seokjin said to Namjoon, and as if answering his question, they could hear the crowd cheering.

"I think that's a yes." Namjoon says, and Hoseok laughs.

"3 minutes!!" The manager yells, and you could hear the groans from the makeup artists as they started rushing on Taehyung and Yoongi's makeup.

The other members were standing around, preparing themselves mentally for their performance.

When time was up, Taehyung and Yoongi hop out of their chairs looking as stunning as ever even if the makeup artists started rushing. Everyone was ready, and they took their places in the dark. Suddenly, the lights came back on and all eyes were on them. The music started, and they all danced to their heart's content. They could hear the crowd shouting and cheering, and this made them all have small smiles plastered on their faces. When their performance was done, they were all breathing hard, but they had wide smiles on their faces. They thanked the crowd for coming, and stepped off of the stage to go to fan signing.

All of the members changed from their sweaty clothes into comfortable, clean ones. Then, they walked to the fan signing, where everyone was waiting patiently. The members got into their seats, and fans started coming up to talk to them. Most of the girls were nice, but one stood out from the rest. She wore a scowl, but she was beautiful. When she came up to Jimin she started spitting insults. This made Jimin uncomfortable, and he gave a great sigh when they switched. She moved on to the next member, which was Jungkook. Jimin gave Jungkook a concerned glance, but then he moved back to the fan in front of him. The girl scowled at Jungkook, but talked to him. She didn't seem very interested half of the time, and by the end she was rolling her eyes at him. Angry, Jungkook gave her an angry glare, and she just shrugged it off. When the fans had to switch, she moved on like she did nothing. Jungkook whispered to Seokjin, the next in line, about the girl. Seokjin frowned as Jungkook spoke about the girl, and nodded, telling Jungkook that he understood.

When the girl came up to Seokjin, he gave her a flower to try and charm her. She wasn't impressed, and left it on the table when she switched, which made Seokjin a little disappointed. She didn't speak with him at all, and moved on to Hoseok, who was next. She spoke to him in a decent way, but still wasn't very excited. She made conversation and then moved on without his signature.

Next was Taehyung. He was aware of the girls problem with the other members, since the mood passed in whispers from Jungkook down to him. He wasn't going to let this girl's attitude slide. He told her that if she spoke badly about one of the members again, he would call security. The girl accused him of threatening her, and they had an argument. This girl was totally killing the mood for all of the members. All of them were grumpy, except for the ones that haven't got a chance to talk to her yet; Namjoon and Yoongi.

When the time was up, she moved on to Namjoon. She gave him a present, and he opened it. What he saw was infuriating. The girl had planned this before she came, and packed it up to give to him at the fan meeting. It was a picture of all of the members, and his face was scratched out, with a lot of insulting words filling in his spot. He tried to hide his disgust and anger, but the girl could tell he was upset, and smiled.

When she finally moved on to Yoongi, she wore a bright smile. She knew that she took away Yoongi's breath when she saw his breathing hitch. She acted all nice, and politely asked Yoongi to sign her poster that each fan was given. He smiled at her, and she acted all nice to him. It wasn't hard; he was her bias after all.

When she left, Yoongi stared as she walked away, smiling. The other members were glaring and sighing with relief that she was gone.

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