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Park Jimin wasn't really the type to go skydiving

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Park Jimin wasn't really the type to go skydiving. He didn't like the heights, and the equipment seemed heavy. The only reason he was going was because it was Kim Seokjin's birthday, and Seokjin was going skydiving as a birthday present.

Earlier today, Jin had begged Jimin to come. The other members had already gone skydiving before, and were busy doing other things. Jin would feel lonely if no one else came with him, so since Jimin wasn't doing anything, Jimin agreed to go. When they were driving to the place, he started to regret it.

"This is going to be amazing!" Jin exclaimed. Jimin said nothing, because he felt if he opened his mouth he would puke from anxiety.

When they got to the place, they had to give the tickets to the people at the front desk. Jin took care of it, while Jimin stood back, looking around for a distraction from his heart, which had dropped to his stomach.

When Jin was done filling out papers and papers of medical safety for the both of them, they had a guide take them to a plane.

Jimin felt like he was going to spill his guts, but got into the plane. After a few minutes of waiting, a pilot got in the plane and they lifted off of the ground.

Jimin could barely look out the window or he would get sick. The air around him made him feel even sicker than he already was, so he put the equipment on slowly as the assistant pilot told them how to put on the gear.

Soon, they were high enough that they could jump out. The assistant pilot got out of his chair and opened to door of the plane, making wind come in and stir their hair. The wind made Jimin feel better since the air wasn't compacting on his temples.

The assistant pointed to Jimin first, and pointed out the door, signalling for him to jump. Jimin got up, but then stumbled. His legs felt like Jello. Jin came up and helped him stay upright, and then the assistant helped him to the edge. Jimin tried not to look down, but ended up looking. His stomach dropped even further when he saw the tiny cars and buildings.

That was when he felt a push.

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