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At the apartment, BTS had been snowed in for a few days. There had recently been a blizzard, and they couldn't do anything but sit around and play games until the roads had been cleared and they could get back to work.

Jung Hoseok had been complaining to the rest of BTS, since he was planning on dropping his mixtape in a few days, but this blizzard will delay him. Hoseok definitely didn't want to disappoint his fans.

Kim Namjoon had been practicing his dancing nonstop in his room for the last few hours, trying to get the moves perfect for their next performance.

Kim Seokjin and Park Jimin had been practicing their lines in their songs every so often. Seokjin had started cooking for his band members, since they weren't able to order something from a restaurant.

Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung had been catching up on a drama that had just released new episodes, since they had already gotten everything down that they needed, and saw an opportunity on their days off.

Min Yoongi had been brainstorming lyrics for the next album release, and was practicing it on the piano in their studio.

Suddenly, all the lights go out in the entire apartment. Startled, Namjoon stood completely still, the music still blasting from his phone. Seokjin stopped cooking, waiting for the lights to come back on. They didn't.

All of the members came rushing down to the living room in complete black. Jungkook and Taehyung sat on the couch, complaining that they couldn't watch the rest of their drama.

"Stop it you guys, this is serious." Yoongi snapped, and immediately the two maknaes shut their mouths.

"Does anyone know how to turn the lights back on?" Jimin said, turning on the flashlight on his phone. The rest of the members shook their heads, and Jimin sighed in annoyance, falling down onto the couch. He almost knocked into Taehyung, and Taehyung was about to say something when Seokjin cut him off.

"I think we should just camp out here together until they can get the lights back on. Just make sure that everyone has a flashlight and we'll all sit together so that no one gets scared."

"Why would we get scared...?" Namjoon asks, but Seokjin just shakes his head.

"I know that you were at least a LITTLE frightened when the lights went out." Seokjin looks at Namjoon with a skeptical stare, and Namjoon just walks to the kitchen.

"I'll grab some food so we can have a leftovers kind of dinner, since you won't be able to cook at this time I'm guessing." He says, and Seokjin scoffs at that, but let's him grab some food anyways.

After waiting for a little while, and hearing some clatter in the kitchen, Namjoon comes back with containers upon containers of leftovers. There were seven pairs of chopsticks in his free hand, and everyone almost knocked each other over when getting up and racing to the food.

"Whoa whoa! Hold up! Wait for the food and I'll pass it out to everyone who wants it!" Namjoon shouts, and everyone sits down in the couch. Namjoon gives everyone a container of leftovers and then sits down with his own chopsticks to eat.

After dinner, everyone went to bed since there was nothing else to do. It was 12:00 at night, and they forgot to switch the lights off.

While they were sleeping, the power had come back on, so the lights that were on in the house before the power went out had turned on again, blinding all of the sleepy heads on the floor.

There was a lot of groaning, but Hoseok was the only one cheering for joy.

"Guys, the power is back!!" He shouted, and the others groaned for him to turn the lights off so they could sleep. Once Hoseok turned off all of the lights, the other members went to sleep again. 


Holy crap I haven't updated in FOREVER. I'm so sorry!!! I've been feeling so unmotivated to write for the past few months so I was on hiatus... please don't kill me.. 😅

Anyways, I wrote this and another chapter which I will upload in a little bit, but I know it won't make up for the... what... four or five months I was gone....? Oof im such a bad author...

Okie, I hope you guys have an amazing day and... sorry again

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