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A little boy was with his family at Disney World. This was his first visit, and his older siblings had already gone once before. They would talk about the rides and get Jeon Jungkook all scared before them. He would end up going on them anyway even if he was scared to death.

"Lets go to the merry go round!" His older sister Mia says.


The whole family walks to the merry go round together, when something catches Jungkook's eye. It was a golden statue of an old fashioned man.

Jungkook walked over to it in curiosity, and admired the statue.

All of a sudden it jumped down from its base and walked over to Jungkook.

The scared little boy rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't going crazy. He definitely wasn't.

"What are you doing here alone little guy?" The man asked, and Jungkook stepped away slowly in fright.

"I'm not here to hurt you." He says with a smirk on his face. This made Jungkook start to run.

The boy ran as fast as he could with his little legs, until he was out of breath and had to stop.

Jungkook leaned on his knees and looked around the place.

That's when he realized he has no idea where his family is. No idea where anything is.

He's lost in Disney World.

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