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Kim Namjoon was always at the studio working on the new dance routine for his band's new song. He wasn't the best dancer—the second last in fact—so he has to work on his dancing before the shoot for their music video.

It was a public studio for artists in the making. Even if Namjoon was already pretty popular, he felt connected to this studio because it held so many memories.

As he was dancing to the song, he was focused on himself in the mirror, making sure the moves looked natural. It also helped him focus on the moves instead of messing up and having to start all over. When he was finished the song, he was exhausted from dancing nonstop.

He sat down on a chair and grabbed his notebook, putting it on his lap. He started writing another song, but he has writer's block and needs inspiration. He gets that inspiration from dancing.

He puts the pen on the page, but can't write anything. What he has so far is:

Don't think about anything
Don't even speak
Please just smile for me

I still can't believe it
Everything feels like a dream
Don't try to disappear

(Imagine it is written is Korean)

He stares at the page, trying to think of more lyrics.

Suddenly, he hears the door open and footsteps coming towards him. He looks up and sees a girl in casual clothing, with a bag and a water bottle in her hands.

"Sorry... are you using the studio?" She asks, and he nods.

"Oh okay, I'll go then." She turns to walk the other way, but Namjoon speaks up.

"No! It's okay. I'm taking a break." He says, and the girl turns around and looks at him with a smile.

"Okay. Thank you for letting me use it." She says, and placed her stuff down next to him. She grabs her phone out of her bag and plugs it into the speakers on the side. She sets herself in the middle of the studio floor.

"Um... can you play the music?" She asks him, and he presses the play button on her phone.

He watches as she dances, and admires her graceful moves. She dances like an angel in casual clothing.

Namjoon gets an idea and writes it down in his notebook. He watches her until the song is over and she grabs her phone. She unplugs it and puts it back in her bag. She grabs her water bottle and puts that in the bag too.

"Sorry for intruding. Thank you for letting me dance here during your break. I've got to go, bye." She says, and bows to him. He looks at her puzzled, and she starts jogging away.

"Wait!" He shouts, and runs after her, but by the time he gets out of the studio, she has already disappeared down the street.

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