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Maybe it was the weather, maybe it was just Jung Hoseok's personality as a "pure sunshine," but he was in a good mood.

Either that, or it was because he was genuinely happy.

He wasn't always like this. He had lost his best friend a while ago, and it took him months to get over it.

He used to wear a mask of happiness, protecting him from all of the darkness in the world, his armor a ray of sunlight.

Now knowing he is in a better place, Hoseok was feeling like himself again. 

As he skipped down the sidewalk to an ice cream shop, he saw a plastic bag moving. It seemed to make a whimpering noise.

Curious, Hoseok walked up to the bag and looked at it.

Then it suddenly jumped at him.

Jumping back away from the bag frightened, Hoseok knew that something was definitely inside the bag.

The handles were tangled so it took a second to open the bag. He carefully opened it so he didn't hurt whatever was inside, and so that it didn't jump at him again and attack him.

He bent down even lower so he could see what was in the bag and could only see brown fur. He slowly reached his hand inside and pulled out the animal.

When he took it out, he was surprised to see a small puppy.

The puppy squirmed in his hands so he had to tighten his grip.

He looked around to see if there was anyone nearby that might be the owner, but there was no one. The dog had no collar either.

"Forget about ice cream, I'm taking you home little buddy."

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