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Park Jimin turns 21 today. He wasn't planning anything since his birthday isn't really that important to him. He only thought it was a reason to party and it was a marking of how old you were. That's it.

His friends and coworkers in his band thought different, and they wanted to celebrate his 21st birthday with him by going to the bar for his first drink.

Jimin didn't really care and agreed to go, and then the night of his birthday he drove with his friends.

The bar was deserted except for a few people since it was a Thursday, and everyone thought it was a good thing.

Boy were they wrong.

When they sat down on the bar stools, the bartender gave them a curious glance.

"Your ID." She asked, and they all showed their IDs. Jimin's younger friends, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook, couldn't come since they weren't old enough.

They all got drinks and Jimin took the first shot in celebration of his birthday. After that they talked, taking drink after drink, not counting. I guess the bartender wasn't either since she would just hand them the drinks.

After talking for what seemed like hours, Jimin felt his stomach churning, and pain stretched across his stomach.

Not feeling well, Jimin rushed to the bathroom just in time when he felt bile come up.

He puked into the toilet, and the smell made it even worse.

After emptying his guts, he leaned against the wall of the stall and looked up at the ceiling. The lights were blindingly bright, so he closed his eyes, the light coming through his eyelids a light orange.

The air was cool since the air conditioning was blasting, and Jimin was thankful, since the humidity would've made the smell worse.

He got up off of the filthy bathroom floor and used his heel to flush the toilet lazily.

When he moved out of the stall he went to the sink and washed his hands and face. The water felt cool against his sweaty and hot skin. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw a reflection that looked nothing like what he remembered. Underneath his eyes were dark half moons, his hair looked a dirty blonde instead of a bright blonde in the poor bathroom lighting.

He walked outside into the restaurant and saw his friends drunkenly talking, slurring and cursing this way and that. He himself was a little drunk still, but he didn't drink as much as they did.

He got ready to leave, and waited until his friends were finished at the bar.

He has to drive since he is the least intoxicated.

As they walk out, his drunk friends make a fool of themselves, Jimin trying to keep them all in line. He walks them to the car, and they slump sleepily in the back.

It was 1:30 in the morning when Jimin checked the time on the dashboard, and Jimin started the car.

He headed home, and began to feel heavy. He tried to stay up, but nature took its toll.


That's when they crashed.

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