Twenty One

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Seokjin had felt blessed the past seven years. Enjoying the life with his other six companions, meeting thousands of new people that adored him, doing what he loved, creating things that he was proud of. The life of an idol.

However, his happiness was going to be abruptly disturbed by something that everyone had been worried of. Military service.

Seokjin knew it was his duty as a man of South Korea to serve his country. He knew that he had to, otherwise his pride would shrink, which he was afraid of like any other man on the earth. He knew that he was also going to miss his brothers, his family, his music, and his fans. He had made sacrifices for his brothers, and now he was confident that they would be strong, even without him.

He also knew he would be strong in a uniform, as long as he knew the people he loved were safe at home.

As he was packing to leave, the second oldest, Yoongi, came into his room. Seokjin was the most confident in Yoongi that he would watch after the other younger members, and that the younger members would take care of him too. 

With sadness in his eyes, Yoongi came up to him, close enough that he could see him clearly, but not close enough to touch. Yoongi seemed cold on the outside, since he was straightforward and manly, never really looking anyone in the eyes, as his father taught him. But, he was warm at heart.

Seokjin looked him in the eyes and Yoongi sighed, looking away, "I'm going to miss you a lot, Hyung." He said sadly, and Seokjin struggled not to just walk over and hug him.

"I'll miss you too, Yoongi-ah." Seokjin opened his arms, making Yoongi smile a little, he walked over and gave Seokjin a manly hug, which involved pats on the back. When they parted, Yoongi gave him a half smile.

"It's only two years, right?" Yoongi asked, and Seokjin nodded.

"As long as nothing happens to me, I will be back in two years, as fast as I can." Seokjin promised, and Yoongi nodded firmly.

"If you aren't here at this exact time in two years, I will scold you." Yoongi scolded, which made them both smile.

"I promise!"

Seokjin had finished packing his bag, which was almost three-quarters of the size of Seokjin himself. It looked like Jimin could fit inside of it.

As Seokjin walked out of the room, he looked back, taking in all of what he saw. He would definitely miss it, after all it held all of his memories. Memories of his sugar gliders, and having talks, whether casual or serious, with all of the members. Seokjin shook his head and realized that his face was went, tasted salt on his lips. He was crying.

Namjoon walked over and his eyes widened. "Hyung, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I was just looking at my room." He said, wiping his tears. Namjoon's eyes were glassy with sadness, and he hugged Seokjin suddenly.

"Hyung, thank you for everything. You keep us all together. BTS would not be BTS without you." Namjoon said, looking up at Seokjin. Seokjin felt a pang in his chest, and hugged him back tightly.

"Thank you too, all of you. You will be what keeps me going during my service."

Namjoon nodded, holding onto him tightly for a few more seconds, and letting go. Namjoon led Seokjin out to the living, where everyone was sitting. They all looked sad, and Jimin had tear tracks on his cheeks. Seokjin's chest felt tight as he looked at all of them, putting his pack down and walking to all of them.

"It's time for me to go." Seokjin said and they all stood up.

Seokjin looked at Yoongi, who was the first one who stood up. He hugged him and rubbed his back, "Yoongi-ah, you've always been determined when creating and writing lyrics, always working. While I am away, I want you to relax every once in a while. Enjoy yourself." He said, and Yoongi nodded silently.

Seokjin then moved to Hoseok, who was next to him. Hoseok hugged him tightly, and as he wrapped his arms around him he said, "Hoseok-ah, you're the light of our group. You are always joyful, even in the worst of times. Stay as you are, and make sure that the other members are always happy. I'm confident you will."

Hoseok nodded quietly, and Seokjin moved on to Namjoon, giving him another hug. "Namjoon-ah, you have been a leader throughout our journey. You have kept everyone at peace and keep us in line. I know I haven't always been at peace, and it's been hard for you. I wish you the best while I am gone, keep being the best leader and person you can be."

Seokjin went through all of them:

"Jimin-ah, you always doubt yourself and have low self-esteem. Love yourself, we all make mistakes, and never put yourself down when you do make a mistake. Only practice, and improve. Show everyone how bright you can shine."

"Taehyung-ah, you are one of the weirdest people I have met, and you were one of the most childish when I met you. I have seen you grow through the years, and I hope to see how much you grow when I come back. Watch over Jungkookie for me."

"Jungkook-ah, you were the youngest when we met. You have always been talented, with your voice, dance, and looks. I have seen you improve your skills, even through struggles, and I hope that you continue to improve. I have faith that you will watch over your hyungs for me."

After that, it was a rush of tears. They all joined for a group hug.

"I love you all," He had said, and then the manager had came to take Seokjin away. Seokjin picked up his bag, looking at all of the members one last time.

Then he stepped out the door, shutting it behind him.


Oml this almost made me cry. Sorry if you cried, but this was just an idea I had and I realized I haven't updated this book in a while, so I did.

- Bangtanbeanz :)

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