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Park Jimin had always loved going into the coffee shop to smell the sweet scents. His boss didn't allow him to drink coffee, since he was a singer, but he loved the smell so much that he would visit the shop down the street just to buy their cookies and smell the sweet smells.

Half of his love for it was pure delight at the smell. He truly loved the mixture of coffee beans and warm milk.

The other half was how the coffee reminded him of his mother.

His mother hasn't passed away, if that is what you are thinking. He has just been so busy with his work that he hasn't had time to visit them. He had always made a free space for them at Christmas, but then it would be filled up with Christmas singles and more work that piled on him, until he would have to bail Christmas dinner and work until dawn.

But enough about Christmas, we have to think about the now.

Jimin was sitting in his usual spot in the corner of the lonely shop. He was nibbling on a cookie and sipping hot chocolate the waitress gave him as a treat. The workers knew him since he came around every day, so they treated him like a special guest, making Jimin feel like something he hadn't felt in a long time. Special.

Jimin was minding his business and looking out the massive window, watching as people of all ages walked the streets. Some were dressed casually, while others seemed to be going to a business meeting.

He started to zone out and stare at the pedestrians. It seemed more interesting than looking around the shop, as he used to always do until it got boring.

He watched as a man with bright blue hair walked across the window, catching Jimin's eye. What kind of person had bright blue hair?

He watched the person as they walk through the coffee shop door and look up at the menu above the counter. When Jimin took a closer look, he realized the man was around his age, probably a little older. He was frowning as a person stepped in front of him rudely.

Jimin realized that the shop was full all of a sudden, and the only free seat was at his table. Hopefully the man was taking it to-go.

Jimin stares back at his cookies—well, where there WAS cookies. He seemed to have eaten them all while he was daydreaming.

He looked up again and searched for the blue haired man. The man was at the counter ordering his coffee—actually, he was ordering biscuits. Jimin ducks when the man turns his head and looks around for seats.

The man's eyes stop on Jimin's table, and he sighs to himself. He walks up to Jimin, and Jimin can feel his heart start to race.

"Excuse me, can I sit here? There are no other spots." He says, and Jimin nods slowly. He pulls the chair out and slides in, and looks out the window, avoiding Jimin's gaze.

They sit there is silence until the man clears his throat. Jimin's head turns on instinct and the man looks at him.

"So... what's your name?" He asks, and Jimin looks at him in surprise. Wouldn't this man just eat his things and go?

"My name is Park Jimin. What about you?"

"I'm Min Yoongi. Please, call me Suga though." He says, and then they go back into silence.

"So, Min Yo- I mean, Suga, what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a rapper for a band." He says straightforward, as if it is nothing.

"I'm actually a singer for a band too." Jimin replies, and Suga leans forward in interest.

The two talk for a while until Suga had to leave.

"I have a dance practice soon, I should go or else I'll be late." He mutters to himself, and Jimin reaches out after him as he grabs his trash and puts it in the trash can. He walks out the door and goes by the window, while Jimin just stares at him in awe, wishing he could've asked for his number or something.

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