Without Her

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“They're just like Bonnie & Clyde”  Jennie read out and chuckles over the pathetic article's title on the headline news.

“What? We're way swaggier than them.” Yoongi came to the scene as he pecked his lover, causing her to grin.

“Yes we are.”

“I love you, Jen.” Yoongi muttered out all of sudden as he pulled her to his embrace.

“I love you too, Yoongi.” She hugged him back.

“I can't live without you. So Jennie, I've been thinking about this.” Yoongi parting from her but still holding her waist and keeping their gap close.

“All this time, we've killed enough, we've stolen enough, we've ran enough. I want to stop everything. I don't want to risk your life ever again. The last time you got hurt because of me still haunts me, and I don't want that kind of thing to happen again. So, let's stop now.”

“Since the beginning, I was fully aware about the risk. But I love being free and doing everything dangerous, especially with you. I feel alive because it's you. But it's up to you, Yoongi. I'm all yours and I'll do anything you want to do. If you want us to stop, let's stop.” She smile and lightly smirk which has become her habit.

And although Jimin - a close friend of Yoongi - said that Jennie's smirking smile is so scary since she usually does that before she pulls the trigger to kill their target, but for Yoongi, her smile is the prettiest. Her smirk is the sexiest.

She's beautiful and

he loves her. A lot.

Both of them are a dangerous couple. They kill and steal. They don't have leader or boss. They only accept jobs from anyone who can offer them a huge amount of money.

That's why they had lots of enemies, from gangsters, mafias, and other assassins hate them, because Yoongi and Jennie kills better than them, faster than them.

Aware of those things, Yoongi realises that it will bring danger to Jennie's life so he decided to move away and start a new life with her.

But without them knowing, somewhere, a group of gangsters have been plotting something to ruin Yoongi's plan.

“$10.000.000 dollars for all of you if you are able to kill that girl.” their boss said through the phone in speaker mode as their laptop screen showed the video of Jennie.

All of them were drowned in their own thoughts, not brave enough to say anything.

“Why?? Are you scared? To kill a girl?” the devil voice laughed through the phone, mocking the 6 gangsters. “Are all of you afraid of her boyfriend just because he knocked all of you out before???” Their boss increased his voice and yelled at them.

“This is your change to take revenge! Kill his girl and he will suffer in pain! She's his weakness!”

“But boss, Yoongi won't let us stay alive if he know tha…” one of the gangsters spoke up but immediately got cut off.

“So you're afraid if he kills you, huh?” He asked, followed by devilish laughs which made all of them shut back their mouths. “I don't want to hear any excuses! I didn't train 6 of you for nothing. I'll give you 3 days, kill her or I'll kill all of you.”

And without any choice, they make up their best plan in order to survive from their big boss which is Yoongi's biggest enemy but they're also worried, worried if they'll be done in Yoongi's hand.


“Yoongi. We're done packing, let's go out for a walk.” Jennie asked as she jumped onto the bed to sit beside him.

“It's past midnight. Where do you want to go?” Yoongi messed with her hair a bit while asking.

“Just a midnight walk. We're leaving Seoul tomorrow and I don't know when we'll go back, so...”

“Alright. Let's go.” Yoongi agreed and gave his best gummy smile.

Both of them walked out from their apartment later on. She clinged to Yoongi's arms while enjoying the hot breeze of summer.

“Yoongi, if we get married later, how many kids do you want?” A blunt question from Jennie made Yoongi choke nervously and cough.

“Why did you ask that all of a sudden?” He cleared his throat before continued walking.

“Just asking.” she shrugged and giggles over her nervous boyfriend. “Can't believe that the swaggest Yoongi is so nervous talking about this topic.”

“Yah~ stop teasing me. Such a teaser, you are.” He chuckled before landing a peck on her lips.

Both laughing and continued walking on the road where no one's passing by, since it's almost dawn. Not knowing something is after them.

When Yoongi and Jennie arrived in the wider area of their neighborhood, 2 cars quickly chased after them and circled them with high speed which caused both of them to be surprised.

Yoongi wanted to run away with Jennie, but the cars were trapping them.

“Who the hell are they?!” Yoongi muttered, still protecting her.

“They're the gangsters that you knocked out months ago.” Jennie reminded him and he hissed.

“I should've killed them at that time.”

Without any warning, Yoongi heard a gun shot sound and suddenly Jennie's body fell weakly to him. “SHIT! GODDAMNIT!!! JEN!” He quickly turned around and notice that blood has been all over her shirt which came from her chest area. Seems like they shot right in her heart.

“I- I love you, Yoongi.” she muttered weakly before closing her eyes.

“SHIT! YOU ASSHOLES I'M GONNA KILL YOU!” Yoongi shouted before running after the cars but too bad, he's late. They're too fast.

Cursing out loud, he came back to her and hugged her in his embrace. “I'm going to kill them for you. I'm going to kill them before I follow you.”

Later that night, Yoongi sat alone on his used-to-be shared bed with her, holding his phone reading the new headline news.

‘6 gangsters found dead horrifically with thousands of shots in their dead bodies’

‘Biggest Mafia Leader found dead with a gun shot in his head’

There's no one that wrote anything related to Yoongi from the 2 big news. Yoongi did it clean like usual.

Slowly, he smirk creepily while playing with his cigarette. His mind had a flashback to the last time Jennie said ‘I love you’ to him. That creepy image and the sound of her laugh still lingered in his mind.

He won't survive. No.

He can't live without her.

With that thought, he poured the gasoline around his room and ending it on his bed, before he laid on it and smirking while lighting his cigarette.

“I'm coming, love.”

Because he can't fall in love without her.

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