{Chapter One}

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 We walked into our new house

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We walked into our new house. Everyone was too shaken up to even sleep in our old house.

I was told there was two bathrooms. One upstairs and down stairs. And four bedrooms.

Regan dashed by me, she wanted the largest room.



She shut the door behind her , then locked it. I huffed. Then walked to the one next door to it.

This room was very empty. But it had a bay window so I couldn't complain.

I sat on the window, and gazed outside.

I heard a soft knock at the door.

"Come in."

"Hey sweetheart," it was my dad, "Do you and Regan wanna go bike around? The moving people are coming and we'd hate for one of you to get hurt."

"Uh, sure. Let me get Regan." I said standing up.

I walked over to her room and knocked.

"What do you want?"

"Dad wants us to explore the town." I yelled.

I heard her footsteps, then opens the door.

"Dad, we'll need money!" She shouted.

"Get 20 dollars out of my billfold." He shouted back.

We waltzed down stairs, snatched the money, then walked outside.

Mom was there with our bikes, and a bag full of stuff.

"Y/n, here's some of your art stuff, and your allergy pills and tissues." Mom spoke to me.

"Regan, don't ditch your sister." My mom looked at Regan, and she rolled her eyes.

We hopped on our bikes.

"Be safe, love you, come back before dinner time."

We rode off.

"I'm hungry, let's stop somewhere." Regan spoke.

"I think I saw a cute diner, near the school. Maybe they have milkshakes." I spoke loudly.

We parked our bikes next to the shop, then walked in.

Regan sat at a booth, next to the window.

"Pretty girls like us should always be at the front." Regan spoke with sass in her voice.

"Pretty girls like you."  I corrected.

Before she could say anything, the waitress walked up.

"What can I get you girls?" She spoke sweetly, holding her pen.

We didn't have time to look at the menu.

"I'll have the Derry Special." Regan spoke as she winked at me.

I looked around, till I saw one waitress come out with what looked like an Oreo milkshake.

"I'll have the Oreo milkshake." I smiled at her.

The lady wrote down our orders, then walked away.

Regan and I looked out the large window. We looked out just in time to see some dick head push over a kid with large glasses.

Our family was always against violence.

Regan looked disgusted, then grabbed my arm, and dragged me outside.

"We'll be back." She shouted at the cook. The cook gave her a thumbs up.

We walked out the door.
"This y/n, is how we stop violence in my book." She winked at me.

She sat on her hip, arched her back, and twiddled her hair.  I took notes and followed along.

"Omg, picking on Freshman is so like, ew." She complained in a valley girl accent.

"Like, totally!" I agreed.

"Freshman are so not worth it." She spoke crossing her arms, while lifting up her boobs.

"So unvery."I Spoke following her actions.

The guy stopped what he was doing and walked over to us.

"What is wrong ladies? Beautiful girls like you shouldn't frowning like that." The rat spoke.

"Violence is so like ew. Especially dorky ones." Regan spoke harshly.

"Well somebody's gotta teach him a lesson." He spoke running his hands through his greasy hair.

"Y/n can certainly find something to do with him. Y/n, go," She spoke as if she were a queen.

I strutted over to the kid.
"Hi I'm y/n. So what's gonna happen here is I'm gonna pretend to tell you off, and you're gonna run away, as if I was terrifying." I spoke in a low whisper. He nodded then stood up.

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, I don't mean any of it. Im really a nice girl."

"I'm Richie by the way."

"Nice to meet you. NOW GET YOUR SCRAWNY LITTLE FROG FACE ASS OUT OF HERE." I stared harshly, then I winked.

He shook his head then started jogging away.

I strutted back to Regan.

"Okay, I'm over you now, bye." Regan spoke to the dick head, she then walked back into the diner.

"Oh my god I can't believe we did that." I spoke nervously.

"It's fun being female. Now let's enjoy our milkshakes." She spoke sitting down at our previous seats.

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