{Chapter Seventeen}

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"So who's coming with me?" Bill asked the crowd. We all looked at each other. "Fine, Eddie and Richie let's go." Then they all hesitantly walked in.

I quickly grabbed Stan's hand.

"Holy shit, what if they get hurt?" I asked. They all looked at me.

"We gotta be hopeful, they'll get in there. It'll be empty and then we can leave." Mike said looking straight into the house.

They left the door open when they walked in, so if we really need to, we can run in and get them.

Then we heard a loud crash, we all looked at each other worriedly.

"I fucking told you that house would topple down any fucking minute." I spoke to everyone.

"What if they're hurt and need our help?" Stan asked, he squeezed my hand tightly.

"Then we gotta save them, let's go." Beverly said.

Beverly, Mike, Ben, Stan, and I all crept into the house all looking for any weapons that we could use to our advantage. I found a small lamp.

We crept around till we got closer to what sounded like screaming, then Beverly ran and stabbed It right in the eye. It paused like it was a video game and the blood floated.

Then it started to move slowly. Beverly, Bill, and Richie all ran to Eddie. His arm looked fucked.

It's face started to form around the pole and walk to them.

It quickly then turned around and scratched Ben's stomach. He fell down. It then curtsied and slowly backed away into a dark hallway.

I looked down at Ben who was bleeding quite a bit, and then kneeled beside him trying to help as best as I can.

I looked over at Eddie and Richie was trying to pop his arm back together.

"DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME, DO NOT-" Eddie screamed at Richie, but then Richie grabbed Eddie's arm and cracked it together. It made a large snap sound. Then Eddie started crying and screaming.

I quickly turned around and gagged, I ran outside and threw up over the rail on the steps. I didn't even get a chance to eat today, so it really cramped up my stomach. 

Stan ran out and grabbed me quickly picking me up. Tossing my arm over over him and putting me on my bike as everyone ran out out and hopped on their bikes the Eddie's house.

His mom came running out of the house when she saw heard her son groaning in pain.

"YOU, YOU DID THIS." She pointed towards all of us. "YOU KNOW HOW DELICATE HE IS." She grabbed his neck and pushed him into the car.

"Mrs. Kasbrack it's not our fault-" Bill tried to tell her.

"No don't try to blame this on anyone." She shut the door hard.

"Mrs K, I swear-"

"No you're all monsters." She pointed at all of us and gave us crazy eyes. "And Eddie is done with you!" Then she dropped her keys in front of Beverly.

"Oh let me help you-" she stopped her immediately and got in Bev's face.

"Oh and I've heard about you  Miss Marsh, and I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son."

I wasn't about to let Eddie's mom win, so I tried to smart off at her. But I still felt like shit.

"What's your damage?" I asked her breathing heavily.  I was sweating quite a bit and I knew I looked like shit. Especially since Stan was holding up to keep from me passing out.

"Go home Dopey." She looked harshly at me. Then rushed into her car to take Eddie to the hospital. I looked at Eddie and he was looking down, trying to fight off tears.

I looked up at Stan, "would it be wrong to throw up on their yard?"

"Go for it." I walked behind one of their bushes and let it out, i then wobbled back to the group.

"I know where the Well is, and next time we'll be better prepared." Bill said feeling successful.

"No, there's no next time Bill." Stan yelled, then put my arm back over him so he could hoist me up. "You're insane." 

"Why, we all know no one else is gonna do it?" Beverly stuck up for Bill.

"Eddie was nearly killed! Y/n looks like a god damn zombie! And look at this Mother fucker, he's bleeding hamburger helper!" Richie complained.

"You can't pretend it's gonna go away, Ben you said it yourself. It comes back every 27 years." Beverly continued.

"Fine, I'll be forty and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to leave this town?" Ben sassed.

"Guys, I wanna run towards something. Not away." Beverly argued.

"Guys please don't fight." I spoke quietly and out of breath but they didn't hear me.

"I'm sorry, but you invited Molly Ringwald into the group?" Richie sassed. She then flipped him off.

"Richie." Stan snapped at Richie.

"I'm just saying, let's face facts, Georgie's dead Bill. Quit trying to kill us too." Richie walked towards Bill.

"Guys dont." I tried again but no one was listening.

"Georgie is not dead." Bill stepped up to Richie.

"You couldn't save him, but you can still save yourself."  Richie tried to walk away but Bill stopped him.

"Take it back. You're scared, we're all scared. Take it back!" Bill then pushed Richie. Causing Richie to push Bill. Which made Bill punched Richie in the face making him fall down.

Stan, Mike, and I held back Richie while Ben held back Bill.

"We're just a bunch of losers. Fuck off. We're just a bunch of losers and you're trying to get us killed!" Richie shouted at Bill.

"Stop this is what it wants. To break us up. We were all together when we hurt it, that's why we're still alive." Beverly tried to fix things but it didn't do much.

"Then let's have it keep it that way." Richie said, then Richie, Stan, and I walked away.

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