{Chapter Nineteen}

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   It was a day later and Stan ran over to my house, saying that Beverly needed help. So of course I hopped on my bike and quickly made my way to her house. Meeting the rest of the gang on the way there.

"I need to show you guys something." She said as she stood on the stairs.

"What, more than you showed us at the quarry?" Richie asked.

"Shut up, just shut up Richie." Eddie complained.

"My dad will kill me if he ever figures out that I had boys up there." Beverly said.

"We'll leave a lookout, Richie stay here." Bill said as everyone else started to walk up the stairs.

"Woah woah woah, what if her dad comes back?" Richie asked.

"Do what you always do, keep talking." Stan spoke as we all ran up the stairs.

She stopped in front of the bathroom door.

"In there." She spoke quietly.

"What is it?" Stan asked.

"You'll see." She said.

"Are you taking us to the bathroom. I just want you to know 89% of household accidents happen in the bathroom. And it's where all the bacteria and fungi are." Eddie quietly complained.

Bill slowly opened the door and we all stood there in shock as we were shown a bathroom covered walls and all in blood.

Eddie started to gag.

"You see it?" She asked.

"Of course." Eddie said.

"What happened in here?" Stan asked.

"My dad couldn't see it, I thought I might be going crazy." Beverly spoke.

"Well if you're crazy, then we're all crazy." Ben said.

"We c-can't leave it like this." Bill said.

Then Eddie went to the supply closet and and grabbed rubber gloves, buckets, and cleaning tools.

I grabbed a washcloth and started to clean the wall next to Stan.

"You know my parents are expecting you over soon." He spoke quietly while Eddie gagged in the background.

"Keep then waiting, they probably already hate me." I rushed out my washcloth in my bucket, then wet it in the sink again.

"They're only gonna hate you the more you keep them waiting." Stan said, he was right.

"Fine, but they insult me once. I'm out of there." I whisper shouted.

We all continued to clean, the only thing left was the trash bags. Stan, Ben, and I each grabbed a bag.

Ben stayed behind for a moment leaving it being just me and him.

"Should we tell everyone?" Stan asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him throwing the trash bag next to the trash can.

"Telling our friends, about us dating. They kinda deserve to know." He spoke.

"Well I dont know if we're ready to tell them." We walked back into the house.

"Tell us what?" Eddie asked us.

"Oh, um. Y/n has got something important to tell you guys." Stan said leaving me for dead. Everyone gathered around me, and I knew I had to tell them. But what if they didn't like it.

"Does this have anything to do with you and Stan?" Beverly asked.


"Because we all see you guys secretly talk to each other and hold hands." Mike spoke.

"Well, uhh, yeah. We're dating. And we've been dating. Since the Uh, carnival." I spoke awkwardly.

"Holy shit, that's almost a year." Beverly yelled.

"Sorry we weren't sure if you guys were ready." Stan spoke.

"Jesus fucking christ Stan, we've had bets on when you guys would tell us." Eddie spoke as if he were over the whole situation.


Stan and I started to bike home together, but he stopped at his house rather than stopping at my house first, I looked at him confused.

"It's better now than never." He looked at me and held the door open.

"Is what I'm wearing okay?" I asked him.

"It's fine, just be prepared for lots of questions." He closed the door behind him as we walked in.

I walked in and Stan's mom was setting up plates for everyone.

"Mom she's here." Stan spoke beside of me.

She turned around quickly, "oh hello I'm Mrs Uris." She smiled at me and held out her hand. I gladly shook her hand.

"I'm y/n, I live right next door." I smiled back at her. Then her mom set me a plate right next to Stan.

I sat down next to Stan.

"That seemed to go well." I spoke to him quietly.

"The party isn't over yet, we still have dad." Stan spoke waiting to eat his food, till his dad sat down.

"Hello, I'm Mr Uris." He spoke sternly as he sat on the other side of me. He put out his hand so I shook it, and it was an oddly strong handshake.

"Hey, im y/n." I spoke softly. Mr Uris began to eat everyone else started, which I thought was kind of odd.

"So y/n, hows your family doing after your sisters disappearance?" Mr Uris asked.

I almost choked on my food, I didn't expect that question so soon.

"Everyone is still very heartbroken, but we have to keep on going. The world won't stop for us because of a flat tire." I answered, trying my best to sound as mature as possible.

"In all honesty, I'm just glad there's a girl that's interested in Stan." Mrs Uris spoke jokingly.

"Mom!" Stan whined, I laughed.

"So y/n, how did you and Stan meet?" Mr Uris asked me.

"I was at the quarry, just watching the water. Trying to calm down after the big move. Then Stan and his friends walked up, I apologized for intruding and I tried to leave. But then Stan invited me to hang out with them." I spoke smiling at Stan.

"So we did raise Stan correctly, that's good news." Mr Uris spoke under his breath.

"That is so cute!" Mrs Uris gawked.

Stan looked down embarrassed. And the rest of the dinner was great and we all ate the lasagna. Which was also very good.

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