{Chapter Sixteen}

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We arrived at Bill's house with only three minutes to spare. We rushed into his garage.

"Took you guys long enough." Mike joked.

"Yeah sorry, we overslept." I apologized.

I looked around for Stan, he was sitting on a milk crate. I found an empty trash can, so I turned it over and sat next to him.

"So how was the sleep over?" He asked.

"It was pretty fun, so what are we gonna go here?"

Stan pointed to the map, "Theorize about where the kids could be." I nodded.

Bill hooked up the projector and turned off the lights. Then he slipped the picture strip in and lined it up to the map.

"Look, that's where G-g-g-Georgie disappeared," he pointed towards to what was circled on the map as STORM DRAIN. "Theres the Iron Works and The Black Spot. Everywhere it happens it's all connected by the sewers. And they all meet up at-" Bill was interrupted.

"At the Well House," Ben stated.

"Thats at the house on Neibolt Street." Stan said as he grabbed my hand nervously.

"You mean that creepy old ass house where the hobos and junkies sleep?" Richie asked. Eddie took a deep breath of his inhaler.

"I hate that house, I always feel like someone is watching me." Beverly said.

"Not to mention that the whole house looks like it could it could fall down any minute." I spoke.

"Thats- that's where I saw the clown." Eddie spoke out of breath.

"Th-that's where it lives." Bill spoke. I suddenly got the uneasy feeling, like if I was gonna throw up.

Everyone's breath hitched and Eddie breathed in his inhaler. I put my hand on my forehead, and I almost fell over. But Stan caught me.

"I can't imagine anything wanting to live there." Stan spoke. "Are you okay?" He asked me quietly.

"Yeah just a little uneasy-"

"Can we stop talking about it? I can't breathe and we're kids and it's summer and I'm gonna have a fucking asthma attack and we need to stop doing this." Eddie spoke quickly and out of breath, then he ripped the map down.

"What the hell? Put the map back." Bill yelled. Eddie shook his head no. Then the slide change led to the next one, but I didn't see Bill click it.

The projector started showing pictures of Bill's family.

"What happened?" Bill asked, "what's going on?" Mike walked over and tried to see what was wrong up the projector.

It started to change pictures at a rapid pace. Then it stopped on a picture of Bill's family in front of a church on a windy day. Mrs Debroughs face was covered by her hair.

It started to close in on Georgie's smiling innocent face.

"Guys." Beverly spoke standing up.

"Holy shit holy shit." I muttered to myself.

Then it started to move to Bill's mom. We all stared in awe. It started to close in on her face, and the hair started to move away. What was revealed was the clown staring at us like we're a full course meal.

We started to freak out.

"WHAT THE FUCK." Eddie yelled.

I grabbed onto Stan and we stood up.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT." Richie yelled as he stood on whatever he was sitting on.

"I DONT FUCKING KNOW." Eddie responded.
We all quickly backed away from the projector as Bill stood there.

"Turn It off, TURN IT OFF." Beverly yelled. I started to quickly look for the plug it was hooked up to. Then everyone started screaming turn it off. Then Mike kicked it over, the glass shattered on it. Put the picture was still moving. The next picture was IT moving at a rapid pace. Then the last slide there was no clown there.

Stan was the closest to the Projector.

Then the room was dark, then the project lighted the room and there was a giant clown, way bigger than the room. It looked at Stan.

"STAN." I shouted my voice shrill and loud, he quickly ran over to me.

It growled and looked at each of us, then it cornered Beverly.

We quickly pushed up the garage door, and it disappeared. Beverly was there with her eyes covered by her hands.

She walked over and hugged Bill. Everyone was out of breath and scared. I walked over to Stan and hugged him. I squeezed tightly trying my best not to cry in front of everyone.

"It saw us," I let go of Stan and looked at Eddie, "It saw us and it knows where we are."

"It always did, s-s-so let's go." Bill walked out next to his bike.

"Go? Go where?" Ben asked.

"To Neibolt. That's where G-g-g-g-Georgie is." Bill spoke.

"After that?" Stan complained.

"Yeah it's summer, we should be outside." Richie spoke quietly.

"If you say it's summer one more f-f-fucking time." Bill spoke sternly. We all looked at each other.

Bill got on his bike and left.

"Bill, wait!" Beverly yelled at him. But he didn't stop, she turned to us. "We have to go stop him."

I looked at Stan and he shook his head no at me. Oh well.

"Okay lets go." I hopped on my bike, Beverly followed me.

"Y/n, shit. Fine." He spoke angrily. He's definitely pissed at me. The rest followed along and we all quickly biked to the Neibolt house. Where we caught Bill about to walk in.

The house was just as creepy as I remember.

We all busted through the fence.

"Bill," Beverly shouted, "Bill you can't go in there, this is crazy."

"I can't. I go home and all I see is Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals. But what happens when another Georgie goes Missing or another Betty or another Edward or another Amy? Or one of us? Are you just gonna pretend that it didn't happen just like everyone else in this town? So walking into this house, it's easier than walking into my home." Bill stated, we all stared in awe has a He an extremely valid point.

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