{Chapter Thirteen}

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We were all riding home now. Bill biked home Ben. And everyone went home, leaving me and Stan biking to our houses.

"You should try to become friends with that Beverly girl, invite her over for a sleepover." Stan suggested.

"I thought about it, but all those rumors of her being a slut. I really don't wanna be labeled, and you know that." I spoke quietly.

"I've also heard her dad is insane. She probably just needs a female friend to help her get through it all." Stan spoke as we stopped in front of my house. I got off my bike.

"Maybe you're right, I'll wait for a good moment, bye Stan." I got off my bike and kissed his cheek.

"Bye." He walked to his house as I walked into mine.


I woke up and immediately cleaned my room. If I was gonna have a friend over, the house can't be a mess.

I put on a light yellow day dress and my white converse. I decided for a moment I put my hair up or keep it down. I  decided to bring a hair band.

I got on my bike carefully. Didn't want to flash anyone. Then I saw Stan already on his way.

I pedaled fast and caught up with him.

"Hey Stan." I spoke.

"Oh hey y/n, you ready to swim?" He asked.

"I didn't know we're swimming, I didn't bring a bathing suit." I slowed down.

"Oh it's okay, no one else will either. We just swim in our underwear." He spoke like it was nothing.

"Uh sure okay, that's fine."  I mentally freaked out. I don't want to be known as a whore. If four boys saw me in my underwear, I'd be The Whore of Derry High.

We got to the quarry and Bev wasn't there. Guess she bailed.

We got there and the boys started to undress. I took off my shoes, but stayed in my dress.

"Aren't you gonna strip?" Richie asked.

"If anyone at school here's about this I'll be The Whore Of Derry High." I crossed my arms and sat in my hip.

"Fine, lets just have a loogie competition." Eddie spoke we all lined up on the edge.

Richie's went the farthest, while Eddie's fell on the inch of cliff that he wasn't standing on.

Then Bill mentioned something about jumping off the cliff first. Everyone refused to go first.

"I'll go." We heard a voice behind us, it was Bev. She undressed, then ran and jumped off the cliff and splashed into the water.

We looked each other.

"We got just showed up by a girl." Richie yelled.

I pulled my dress over my head.

"You're about to get showed up again." I stood back and jumped off. I hit the cold water and it felt so good. The sun's rays were pounding on us.

Then everyone started to jump Into the water. First Bill and Stan, then Richie, then Ben, then Eddie.

When Stan jumped in he splashed me.

"Stan, you got my hair wet!" I whined.

"It was already wet!" He splashed me again. We splashed each other, and the group was staring at us. I don't think we told them we were dating.

I splashed Richie trying to take the attention off of us, then he splashed Bill. Then it turned into one large splashing party.

Then the game of chicken started. Stan, Eddie, and I decided not to join so we tried to dunk each other.

Stan and I decided to team up and dunk Eddie, we finally did. But then Stan turned to me and dunked me under the water. But then I grabbed him and pulled him under with me.

We were under the water, he got closer to me then he pecked my lips.

We swam up and I felt a major blush on my face.

We all eventually got tired of swimming, and went to dry off.

The boys sat along the rocks. And Bev laid down in the middle and basked in the suns rays.

'This is my chance, I will become friends with this girl.' I thought to myself.

I laid next to her.

"Hey." I spoke.

"Oh hey, y/n? Right?" She asked.

"Yeah, us girls gotta stick together ya know." We giggled.

"So what do you think about everyone?" I asked.

"Everyone seems pretty cool, especially Ben. But I think me and Bill might have something." She stated.

"Well that's great!" I exclaimed.

"Unless you and him have a thing, then I totally wouldn't want to ruin anything for you. You're the nicest girl at Derry, you don't deserve it." She stated worried.

"No no, we don't. We're just friends." I said.

Bev turned up the music louder.

"Hey don't look now but the guys are definitely checking us out."

"Should We say something?" I asked.

"Looks are louder than words." We both slowly turned our heads to them.

They all immediately looked away acting like they totally weren't just checking us out.

Which led to Richie digging in Ben's book bag.

Bev and I both turned over to get an even tan.

"News flash Ben: Schools out for summer!" Richie announced as if he were an old timey news caster.

"Oh that, that's not for school." Ben spoke, which caught Beverly's attention.

Richie pulled out a Postcard that has some writing on it.

"Who sent you this?"

"It's nothing." Ben snatched it out of his hand and stuffed back into the bag. Leading Richie to dig back into his bag and pull out a blue folder.

"What's with the history project?"

"Oh when I first moved here I didn't really have anyone to hang out with. So I spent my time in the library." Ben said. Bill started to look through the folder.

"You went to the library, on purpose?" Richie asked.

"I wanna see." Bev said sitting beside Bill. I rolled my eyes and got up, then sat stood next to Stan.

"What's the black spot?" Stan asked.

"The Black Spot was that nightclub that got burned down years ago by that racist cult." Eddie stated.

"The what?" Stan asked confused.

"Y-y-your hair-" Bill started but was cut off by Ben.

"Your hair, it's looks beautiful."

"Oh, right. Thanks." Bev said smiling and pushing her hair behind her ear.

Bill glared at Ben.

There was an awkward silence.

"Here, pass it." Richie said referring to the folder. Bill passed it.

Richie opened it and Eddie, Stan, and I leaned over to look at it.

"How come there's so many murders and kids disappearing?" Richie asked.

"Derry is not like any town I've ever been in before. They did a study once about Derry, it turns out people die or disappear Here six times the national average." Ben stated.

"You read that?" Beverly asked.

"That's just grown ups, kids are worse." Everyone looked at each other clearly shaken up. "I have more stuff like this at my house, if you guys wanna see."

We all shook our heads yes.

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