Invitation, Release and Relationships?

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My close friend Bianca invited me over for some brunch and to announce some news to me. I left my apartment just a little after one to make it over to her place. When I got to Bianca's place she had food put out on display and she was busy in the kitchen cleaning.

"Hey Val you showed up," Bianca said.

"Of course I would show up if there's food involved."

She busted out laughing," I'm not surprised, but have a seat I'll be over I got something to discuss with you."

"Are you pregnant?"

"Hell no, I'm on birth control and I haven't slept with anyone recently. I'm not ready for a child I'm still young."

"Ok well, what's the big news?"

" So I got invited to the Billboard Music Award show and --"

"That's awesome, I'm happy for you."
It makes sense that Bianca would be invited to the award show since some of her clients will be there so I'm not surprised.

"Val you didn't even let me finish, I get to bring a plus one and I want you to come with me?"

"Are you being serious? I would love to go with you." I ran up to her and jumped on her.

"Bianca you're the greatest friend ever! You've been there for me ever since I've moved down here to LA and I just want to let you know that you've truly helped me out in more ways than I could ever be able to let go unacknowledged."

Bianca and I talked more in depth about the award show and I'm well aware that she's going there for business than enjoyment but she told me to enjoy myself and do some networking.
"What's going on with you and Baze?" I asked her.

"We're just taking things one day at a time. I really like him, I don't know if he feels the same way about me."

"Baze seems like he's smitten over you, he gets this glazed over look anytime you're brought up and just the way he stares at you is so adorable. There's no doubt that he likes you back."

Bianca tried to hide her blush but I saw the hint of redness appearing on her cheeks,"Enough about me I want to know what's going on with you and Colson?"

"I don't even know what's going on with Colson and I. We talk over the phone sometimes and the last time I hung out with him was just a little after New Years. I honestly don't think he cares about me, he's kind of just stringing me along. I don't fit into his life and that's understandable we're two different people in two different worlds."

It's such a complicated situation I don't even like talking about it. He has Halsey by his side so he doesn't need me around. I like Halsey; I think her and him mesh well together.

"Val he'll come around one day, he probably has a lot going on. It's as clear as day that you guys have some sort of connection. I suggest you stay true to yourself."

After almost a year of producing what I'm starting to consider one of my best albums to date, the release date is coming close. I've busied myself with getting the album cover ready, new merchandise getting put into production, an album release party and so much more. I decided on the name Bloom for the album because I just think it resembles how the overall feel of the album will be like. I wanted to blend more genres like pop, rap and alternative to show my fans that I'm well-rounded.

I got an invitation to the Billboard Award show and I can already tell that I'm not gonna be a performer at this show. I've gotten used to not being requested to performing on a lot of these big award shows because I'm not considered an A-list celebrity. I see Halsey is performing and of course, I'm gonna be there to support her.

Speaking of Halsey I'm still confused on what Valeria meant by her text. Valeria is an amazing woman, she's way too good for me and she doesn't even know that. I don't want to taint her reputation before she even further pursues her career. I'm not the best at expressing myself so to others, it comes off as arrogant or as a f*cking prick. I'm still learning, ever since my daughter was born that's when I truly learned how to love someone, Casie will always be my baby girl. Casie is and always will be the most important girl in my life, I put her above everything and everyone.

It's the evening and we're spending the night in at the blvd aka the house. There's nothing planned today so we're just going to chill.

"Hey Rook where is everybody?"

"They're hanging outside probably."

I walked towards the back entrance and didn't see anybody, they must have left to get food. As I walked around the corner Ashley was sitting by the couches,"I didn't know you were stopping by," I questioned her.

"Oh I wasn't planning on it, I was just nearby. What's going on with you?"

"I'm just all in my head now, I just have a lot going on and then I received this text related to you."

"What does this text have to do with me," she questioned me.

"Well, I've been hanging around you more often and I guess I was talking to someone and the situation is just confusing."

"Confusing how please explain."

"Ok, well you know Valeria?"

"Yeah, of course, I know Valeria, she's cool what's up?"

"She's the one I've been sort of messing around with. It's nothing serious, we just kiss here and there."

"Colson what the f*ck man, it sounds to me like you're just stringing Val along. I think she's fantastic, don't play with her."

"I know it looks bad but I can't help it she's very alluring, every time I'm around her I get drawn in by her aura. There's just something about her, I just can't put my finger on it."

"You'll figure it out soon Col, you almost always do."

A/N: next chapter will be the album release party and the Billboard Award. It'll be really long, I might even break it into two parts. Oh and that's what Bianca looks like up above.

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