wake up call

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I was woke up by yelling outside my door. It sounded like Ash. I wonder whats wrong.
"No my sister just got here im not leaving now.."
"Thank you i will tell the boys." it sounded like he was on the phone. I looked at the time it was only 9 am so i rolled over and tried going back to sleep. Then i heard a knock on my door.
"Mal wake up we need to talk" talk? Talk about what? Did i do something wrong? I get up and open the door.
"Yeah? Did i do something? Is something wrong?"
"Everything is fine. I just need to tell you something about last night."
"Ok.... Ash im-"
"Don't its not your fault none of us really know what happened last night we are all confused on why he did that. I mean yeah we know he likes you but we didn't think he would do that. And after you left to your room he said to give you his number and he ran out. And by the looks of that last night i would say you like him to." Ash has always been observant but i never thought he would be so observant to know everything im feeling. Especially for his best friend.
"Oh that reminds me i gotta text luke!" i fling my door shut an ash catches it an comes in. He sits down next to me and watches me.

To luke❤ hey its mal srry didnt text last night was tired and confused

Ash looks at ME confused.
"Whatever" minutes later i get a text back.

From luke❤ its ok im srry for last night i dont know what got into me.

To luke❤ dont say srry if i didnt want you to kiss me i wouldnt have kissed back ;)

"Can you get out ash." i get up and try to push him off my bed and out but it doesn't work.
"No you are talking to my best friend i wanna know what you guys are saying" he pouts a little and i laugh.
"I need to get dressed please go" its my turn to pout knowing when i do he gives in.
"Fine" i get dressed into my ash colored ripped skinny jeans. My all time low band shirt and my black converse. I do my make up and tie my hair back i to a messy bun. I start to walk ou of my room when my phone goes off.

From luke❤ true but umm hey you @ home?

To luke❤ yeah why?

From luke❤ bc im on my way.

I start to panic. Wait why am i panicking i dont even like him that much. Or do i? Anyway i head out to see ash.
"Hey ash." i look and he is plaging fifa.
"Luke is on his way" with that he puts the controller down and looks at me with a smirk on his face.
"Ok, mal when are you going to admite you have strong feeling for luke?"
"Never because he is your best friend and i can't take that away from you."
"Whatever mal its your choice." i notice luke standing their i dont know hoelw long tjat he has been standing their.
"How long have you been standing their luke?"
"Just in case you were wondering i hear it all." he turns around to leave. I want to grab his hand and stop him but i dont i let him go. I go to my room and grab my phone keys and bag.
"Going some where?"
"Yeah im going for a walk to think if i really want a relationship with luke. And if i do i need to get to know him first."
"Ok see ya later baby sis." i dont ever correct him for calling me baby sis.
"Wow you must really be confused because you didn't yell at me for calling you baby sis!" i just walk out of the apartment and head down the street. I dont know where im going so im just wondering around. I dont know if i want a relationship with luke not after what kai did to me. After he rapped me and abused mr i never wanted another relationship with anyone. But luke is different from kai from what i have seen so far luke seems gentle and caring. When kai was abusive and a psychopath. Kai didn't care about anyone but himself but he seemed to say the right thing to pull me in. Up intill that nighy when he got so drunk he rapped me while all his friends watched and laughed. Then i found out he got me pregnant and he hit me and punched me intill i blacked out. I lost the baby and he hit an punched me again for losing it and yet again i blacked out. And when i woke up i was in a dark ally way left with my phone and a peice of paper. It said don't come back i don't want you anymore i got what i wanted. All your stuff is burned so good luke getting more and im happy you lost the baby. ..you low life poor whore.
During the whole relationship with kai i told myself i hated him but i didn't i loved kai even though he hated me and used me i loved him. I kust want to know if luke is like that before any relationship goes on but when he kissed me last night i felt something i never felt before. When i was with kai i felt like i was in love with him but when luke kissed me it felt better then the way kai made me feel. God i hope he is different then kai. I didnt even notice i was crying till a wet tear hit my cheek i quickly wipped it away. It started to pour rain so i didnt have to gid my tears anymore so i just cried. I walked back to the house. I got there and opened the door. Stranding there was Ash,Cal,Michael,and luke they looked worried.
"Oh my god mal you scared me were have you been?!" ash yells i look at luke and to ash and back at luke thrn break out in tears.
"Hey sis whats wrong?"i cant say anything all i can manage is sob into ash's shirt. After while i settle down.
"When i was for a walk thinking. I remembered what kai did to me." i never told ash what he did but i thought it was time to even though all his friends were there. I look up at luke and he looks sad and has teara in his eyes but i don't know why.
"What did kai do to you!" he sounded angry and he has a right to but it scares me to i just start to cry again. "Hey mal im sorry for scaring you but what did kai do to you?"
"When i was with him he abused me but i thought i loved him so i stayed. One night he got drunk and came home and rapped me while his friends watched and laughed he ehit me till i blacked out. Later i found out i was pregnant he beat me again till i black out then i lost the baby. I told him and again he beat me for losing it and again i blacked out but when i woke up i was in an ally way left with my phone and a note it said don't come back i don't want you anymore i got what i wanted. All your stuff is burned so good luke getting more and im happy you lost the baby. ..you low life poor whore." i started to sob more and ash looked pissed. So did luke but the other two looked shocked. After a bit all the boys got pissed.
"How dare he!" ash yelled punching a wall. I jumped a little. I couldn't help i looked at luke he face was red with anger his hands were in a fist so hard his nuckles turned white and his eyes looked like he was ready to kill. But when he noticed me looking his expression softened. He left go of his fist and his face started to get less red. He came and sat down next to me and i moved away. He looked hurt.
"Sorry luke i just need to know tou aren't like kai before it goes to far." he still looked hurt that i said that. So i looked away.
"Im not i promise you deserve someone who treats you like a princess and has you as their number one priority."
"How do i know you are nothing like him are you going to hit me. Or rape me and if i end up pregnant are you going to leave me."
" no. God no i wont leave.if you end up pregnant i will stay. I could never leave my child even if i wanted to but i would never want to."
"How would we have a relationship if you are touring all the time?"
"I would take you with me i couldn't leave tou alone." i smile a little knowing that if i did date luke i would never be alone.
"And what about a baby if we did have a baby what about him/her a life of travel isn't good for a baby."
"I would stop touring intill gin or her got old enough for me to leave then i will tour and when him or her gets older we can take them with us even though i hate the idea of leaving."
"I dont think thats a good idea"
"Then we can sourt it out if it ever happens...ok?"
"Ok...but luke?"
"I can tell you are nothing like kai." that mafe luke smile and when he did his dimples showed. Which only mad me smile. During my talk with luke i didn't notice the boys calmed down. They looked at us im 'awe' for some reason then i noticed i was holding lukes hand. I pull away and look at luke he looks hurt and sad. I can't stand seeing him sad so i take his hand.
"Yeah luke"
"Will you go on a date with me?" a date with luke? Hell yeah! But i wanted him to work for it.
"I will think about it." i look and he looks sad again so i take this as a opportunity to turn and kiss him. God i wanted to do that sience last night. He seemed surprised but took no time to kiss back. I pull away.
"You really want to take me on a date?"
"Yes" i kiss him one more time.
"Yes what?" i laugh at his stupidity.
"Yes the thae date you loser." seeing his reaction to me calling him a losef was priceless i take my phone out and anap a picture. I save it to my phone. I post it on face book. It says look at that face he is such a loser :)

As soon as i hit post the boys phones go off. Cal ash and mikey laugh while luke looks shocked. I get a reply from luke

So not a loser mal if i was why you going out with me? :)
I laugh and reply back.

Because i feel bad for the losers. Loser ;)

Every laughs at our witty banter.

Awe but babe if im a loser what are you? :)

My heart beat went a little fast when he said babe. I swear it skipped a beat but im not sure.bi looked up and he was smiling god i love his smile.

Not a loser duh see this is why you are a loser. But you are my loser ❤ :)

I smiled a little when i typed that. But i can't believed i typed that he isn't mine what if he hates me noenoh god what have i done?

Oh noe im your loser well guess what mal?

Oh crap i made him mad what is he going to say jeez i messed up i mean look at him he is so damn hot hoe could he like me. Maybe ge is just pretending and is now going to tell me on social media this will blow really bad.


Thats all i could type without breaking down. My phone goes off and i look.

Well if im your loser then your mine all mine.;)

That just made me smile. He made my dad i thought he was going to hate me vut he doesn't.

Who said im yours? ;) lol

Its only fair if im your your mine i know we haven't had our date but will you be my girlfriend mal?

Did he just ask that on social media this is going to be trending very soon. I don't hear the boys laughing anymore so i look up. They are all staring at me. Waiting for my reply.

Yes! I will be your girlfriend just treat me rifht and i wont leave. ❤ :)

"I will aleays treat you right no matter what happens" he said that with so much emotion i was tearing up i just wanted to kiss him and never let him leave. I notice the time. 4:30 when the boys first got hear it was only 10:37 time goes fast when u ou are having fun.
"What do you guys want for dinner?" i as k i so hope we dont leave the house i really want to stay home.
"Well you got to options
1 stay here and i woll cook or
2 go out to eat but i will not be comeing because i dont wanna go anywhere."
"Option 1" they all say
"Ok but what do you want?"
"Chicken Alfredo." calum said
"Boys that ok?"
I go and start making food. It takes a bit but i finish making it. I lay out 5 plats with a good amount on it. The boys have been playing fifa so i call out.
"BOYS DINNER" i cring at gow i sounded like a mum calling for her children to come eat. We all sit down and enjoy our meal.
"This is amazing food mal" Michael says with a mouth full of food and i laugh
"Its so true this is amazing food" cal agrees all you bear from luke and ash are 'ummhmm's' wich makes me proud my boyfriend brother and two friend love my food. Oh great now they will want me to cook every night.
"Just because its good doesnt mean im cooking every night." They all groan and start to complain "you keep complaining and i will never cook again" they all shut up and i smirk i got control right know and i love it. After dinner we all clean up and start to watch a movie i cuddle up next to luke. We decided on finding nemo. This group of boys are so childish. It didnt bother me that we were watching finding nemo it was my favorite kids movie.

Thats the end what ya think luke and mal get together to early?


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