he's in

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I called the girls today and told them not to bother looking for a replacment for tris because i quit so before the band can start it ended. Dont get me wrong i wanted to Still be in the band but i think it wasnt the right people to be in a band with. Especially when i moved again.
So me and calum joined the p.o.d. gang and cal is perfect for it he looks so hot in his ripped jeans and white shirt with the p.o.d. symbol on it with his tatto's showing and the navy blue bandanna around his wrist.
  Tell you what that nice calm and gental calum is a cover up. He is ruthless and mean. He covers mean calum up with happy outgoing calum. He is both but he can be really mean if he wanted and its hot. I don't think of luke that much anymore. Im happy now i have calum and p.o.d.
We all recently got in trouble and spend about a week in jail because we was about to kill a guy for killing Constantine. We made a pretty good argument so we got out. The guy got sentenced to 9 years in prison for 2 degree murder. Nothing i havent seen or done before. Yeah yeah i know you thought i was a good girl with no dark past or criminal record. Wrong. I had 23 charges before i turned 18. And about 5 before i moved to go live with ashton. Currently i have like 10 but they aren't major and if they are our new recruit Stacey can be very persuasive and get us oitta anything and i do mean anything.
  With all of the crime we do and everything calum still makes time to be a good boyfriend. He is very loyal even with all the slut looking girls throwing themselves at him he says and i quote 'eww get the fuck off me you whore i dont need you i got my girl' and it makes me smile everytime he says that. Him in general makes me smile. When I think about him my stomach does flips and i instantly smile. Seeing him my stomach does flips and i grin so big. Anything to do with him makes me smile and makes my stomach do flips and brightens my mood up in a instant. When im feeling down thr near thought of him turns it all around. A bad day into a good day just like that. When he holds me i never wanna let go. I wanna stay in his arms for eternity. I never want the kiss to end. I never want the love to fade.

Its short i know but i am blanking out on what to right sorry

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