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"Never fall for luke hemmings the player!" i scream.

I walk to my room and pack everything of luke's up and start throwing it out of the window. Im crying uncontrollable. I love luke im in love with luke and he does this. I cant take the heartbreak anymore. He is just a player he did this 2 times to me and this is the last time he can ever do this to me.

  "OWWW! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!" someone screams from the front yard. I looks out and instantly regret doing so. Luke fuckboy hemmings is standing outside holding his head because something hit him. I am internally laughing at him right now.
  "Is this my stuff?!?"
  "Yes it is your studf get it and leave" i yells out the window.
  "Why do i have to grab my stuff and leave?" really acting dumb isnt going to work.
  "You cheated AGAIN so now you can leave luke fuckboy hemmings. And i hope someone sees this because. LUKE IS A PLAYER GIRLS JUST LINE UP AND HE WILL DATE YOU FUCK YOU THEN GET BOARD WITH YOU CHEAT ON YOU AND COME BACK FOR MORE!!!!!" now at this point paparazzi or filming this whole thing. Every word i just said is now going to ve trending probably under 'luke hemmings the fuckboy?'. I go out to the front yard.
  "Mal what is going on?"
  "You luke i saw nina. you looked really happy kissing her and holding her hand. Nice makeout session by the way nothing like seeing the guy your in love with making out with someone else. You said you where different. You promised and you lied. I believed you and you lied. I figured i could tell you today and we would live happily as a family forever. But i was wrong. HEY PAPARAZZI LUKE HEMMINGS IS GOING TO BE A DADDY OR WAS BECAUSE IM NOT KEEPING IT BECAUSE HEEE DOESNT CARE ENOUGH FOR COMMITMENT!!!!" im in tears now. A few days ago i found out i was pregnant and i was going to tell luke today that i was but as you see it didnt work that way.
  "Your pregnant mal?"
  "Yes luke i am pregnant i was going to tell you today but life hates me so this happened but you dont care."
  "Yes i do mal i care"
  "Care about me or only care about the baby because its yours?"
  "Godbye luke and never come back"
  "What about the baby?"
  "Im not keeping it" with that said i walk away. Into the house.
  "Ashton call a clinic and set up an abortion appointment im not keeping his child not when its just going to cause me pain." i walk to my room and lay down and cry on my bed for what feels like days.

Today is the abortion. And im not happy about it bit with what luke has been posting on Twitter i need to do this. I cant have a child living its life seeing its father say it shouldnt be alive and he wants me to get an abortion.

Luke p.o.v.

I don't know why i posted that stuff. I want her to keep the baby and i want to be with her and have a family. I shouldn't have went out with Nina and i shouldnt have lied and had the boys lie for me. She wasnt for publicity. And i messed up. I messed up big time. My phone dings. Its from calum.

To luke: she got the abortion.
To calum: i fucked up i didnt want her to get an abortion.
To luke: yes you did you posted it everywhere
To calum: it was all a lie.
To luke: goodbye luke

Not only did i lose the girl i wanted to spend the rest of my life with i lost my best friends.

Mals p.o.v.

I havent left my room in days. Not to eat nothing. I cut i couldnt take it the pain is to much.

I get up and grab my razor blade.

1 cut for kissing him the first day we officially met.
2 for going on that date
3 for forgiving him
4 cuts for ever having sex with him
5 cuts for falling in love with him
6 cuts for being so happy
7 cuts for believing his lies
8 cuts for being alive
9 cuts for getting pregnant
10 cuts for the abortion
11 cuts for believing ashton(for luke being a good guy)
12 cuts just for fun.

Blood is everywhere. The last thing i see is ashton coming in to check in me and then i black out.

I wake up in a large room. On a very uncomfortable bed. Hospital. I try getting up and groan.
  "Mal lay down" ash insistes. I cut the pain of it all got to much. Luke. He cheated. Lied. And wanted me to get an abortion.

"WHERE IS SHE! I WANNA SEE HER! LET ME SEE HER GOD DAMN IT!" a voice screams outside my room. I share a nowing look at ashton. Its luke fuckboy hemmings. Ash looks at my all worried and walks out.
  "Ashton let me see her!"
  "No luke dont you think you helped enough"
  "Why'd she do it?"
  "Why did she do it ashton?"
  "ASHTON WHY DID SHE DO IT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"
  "You ok she did it because of you. She loved you and she gave you her heart and you took it played with it then ripped it out and shattered it." i hear sobbing and i think its luke.
  "I didnt mean it you know"
  "Ashton i didnt mean it. It was all a lie Every word i posted about her getting an abortion it was a lie i wanted her to keep the baby and i wanted to be with her but of course i messed it up. Not only did i lose the girl i love i lost my baby and my friends." he sobs louder.
  "I cant help tou this time luke as much as i want to. You hurt my sister to much. Your a good guy but i dont think your good enough for my sister. And honestly this band thing isnt going to work for me. I cant go and pretend everything is ok between all of us. I just cant luke. I cant look at you when we are performing and but think you almost killed my sister. She almost died by cuttung because she loves you. If she doeant die by a broken heart she will die by her own hand. Even when i dont want it to happen id rather live without a sister then live with a sister that is in so much mental and emotional and physical pain because of you." i hear ashton start to walk away but luke stops him.
  "I will do anything for her back. I will do anything for you not to leave the band."
  "Tell you what luke i wont leave the band but you have to fix things with mal on your own."
  "Deal" ash walks in and looks at me but listening to them talk made me sleepy so i just go to sleep.

My Love- Luke Or CalumWhere stories live. Discover now