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Its been one month since ash died and im a werck. Calum keeps trying to get me outta my room and eat but i wont. I havent eaten in likw 3 days or a proper meal since ashton died. I started not sleeping eather. Everytime i close my eyes i see ashton staring at me saying 'see you soon sis lifes good up here you gotta come see' i wake up screaming and crying if i do sleep. Screaming because i see my dead brother in my dreams and becasue my whole family is dead its just me. And crying because i miss him i miss him a lot.

I get up and get dressed. Calum should think this is good but its not. Im having a sudden urge to kill. Just to make my pain go away and see others un pain. Maybe a little torture for an hour or 2 then grant death. Or stab/shot then and watch them bleed to death. Something fun like that.
I put on all black considering ita 11 pm here. I grab my knife and put it the waits of my pant outta view and head out to the front door.

  "Holly shit mal your outta bed and dressed!" i turn to look at calum and he looks shocked. I give a little evil smirk and walk out.

   Im walking down a dark ally way waiting for the right person for fate to bring to me. A group of about 7 they all look about 16-19 walking straight towards me. Perfect.

I wait intill they stop and gather into a circle. I throw my knife and hit one teenage boy in the head. They start to scream and run. I run grab my knife and kill every single one of them. Not nicely eather. A girl about 18 starts to crawl away so i slowly walk up to her and grab her by her long blonde hair. She groans in pain and starts to wiggle trying to get outta my hold. I slam her head against the pavment not enough to knock her out though just enough to send a message. I pick her back up and hold my blade against her neck.
  "Please...please let me go. I wont say anything i promise" she pleads. I drag my blade against her neck and watch her gasp and bleed out. Fascinating if you ask me. They way life bleed out of there eyes. The color flow out of there skin. All the pain you see in there eyes when they are close to death. Their life flash seconds before they die. To watch there last breath of their life.

  "Mal" a voice says. I turn around and its Daniel. "I heard what happened im so sorry but this isnt the way to handle it"
  "Oh and your so much better Dannie. You would do the same thing. Your no better than me so dont spat the speech. Becasue trust me Dannie i wasnt expecting to wake up one morning and find out my brother is dead. I tried handling it differently nothing worked but dannie this helps."
  "I know muffin but you can get in a lot of trouble for this."
  "I dont care anymore. Not about anything" i tuen around and start to walk away.
  "You dont care about me anymore mal" calum walks up and asks.

       The end

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