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3 years to the future (2020)
Shannon was walking back home when she bumped into a girl who wasn't looking at where she was going cause she was busy fumbling the papers on her hand . All the papers that the girl was holding scattered around the floor when Shannon bumped into her.

Girl: Shit. I am so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going.
Shannon just gave her a small smile

Shannon: It's okay. I am clumsy myself too. I should have known better for walking into your pathway.

Shannon helped her pick up all the papers on the floor and could not help but notice that the paper is all about houses, apartments, lofts and condominiums. It seems like this girl is looking for a place to live. Looks like she isn't from around here too. Shannon handed these papers back to her and asked curiously. "You aren't from around here are you?" The girl shook her head no.

Shannon: I don't mean to be nosey but you are looking for a place to live yeah?

The girl sadly replied Shannon that she actually have been looking for almost a week now and still hasn't gotten any luck. Shannon smiled.

Shannon: This might sound sketchy to you but the house me and my housemate is renting right now needs one more tenant if you are interested to live with house filled with lesbians *she laughed awkwardly*. But first me and my housemates have to ask you some few questions first though to make sure we aren't moving in with some serial killer.

Girl: If I am one I wouldn't told you would I? HAHA.. Im just kidding. I am definitely not a serial killer. Not that I know of..yet..kidding. I am Winnie by the way. Nice to meet you.

Shannon laughed and replied "I am Shannon. I think we will be great friends. Nice to meet you too, Winnie".
Shannon called her housemates and everyone to meet at a restaurant to "interrogate" this new girl, Winnie. Everyone talked and laughed and learned a lot about one another. Everyone seems to be grateful and glad that they found a new roommate. Apparently Winnie is a 27 year old designer who came to United States to expand her company. Winnie is definitely capable of renting or buying her own property but she felt that it is better for her to have roommates so she doesn't feel isolated from the world as her work requires her to work home a lot. That was what she said at least. Shannon didn't want to ask her more about it because she didn't want to be pushy plus it isn't relatable. Next time. Next time she will ask her what it is really about.

Everyone else left after dinner and went home except for Shannon. Shannon didn't feel like going home yet. They were at the restaurant where she and Cammie used to go to. Their favourite restaurant. The sushi restaurant. Shannon were just sitting at the place where they used to sit. She is deep in thought about their past relationship memories until she heard someone cleared their throat. It was Winnie. She hasn't left yet. Winnie eyed Shannon suspiciously and said "you are thinking about someone huh?"

Shannon: Is it really that obvious?

Winnie: Well... It might not be obvious to others but it is to me. You might have missed it but I do have a masters in Psychology you know? and not to brag about it but I am pretty great at it. Do you want to talk about it?

Shannon: I am really not good in expressing my feelings.

Winnie: It doesn't take one with a masters in psychology to figure that out.

Shannon: I need a drink if we are going to do this.

Winnie: There is a bar downtown. We can head on there.

Shannon: Let's do it.

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