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The next morning, Shannon woke up with a great hangover. She felt like she had been hit by a truck. She got up slowly and saw to her left on the chair sound asleep, Cammie. She was confused. Is she seeing things? She rubbed her eyes just to make sure. Even pinched herself to make sure she isn't dreaming. She isn't. It is Cammie.

Right there by her side. Wait... what is she doing here? What happened yesterday? She tried so hard to remember but the memory seemed so blurry right after the conversation with Winnie. While she is trying so hard to remember, Cammie begin to stir in her sleep and she eventually woke up. Shannon just stared at Cammie for a long second, hypnotized by how beautiful someone can look right after waking up. She snapped out of her daze when Cammie asked "How are you feeling?"

Shannon: I am fine. Just a little hangover but I am okay. What happened last night? Why are you here?

Cammie: I saw you at the club when you tried to go on stage and do something but your friend, Winnie stopped you. And I wanted to make sure you were safe so I took you home myself. I was about to leave when I tugged you in bed but you asked me not to leave. So I stayed.

Shannon: *embarrassed with herself* I did what?...OMG..Thank god Winnie stopped me. I.. I don't know what to say. I am sorry I asked you to stay. You shouldn't have. But thank you.

Cammie: There is nothing to be worried about. I am always here for you, you know that right Shan? You don't have to thank me. I wanted to stay. You are my best friend. I am here whenever you need me. You just need to ask and I will be there regardless.

Shannon smiled weakly at the word best friend and thinks to herself. You are my best friend but I want you to be my girlfriend too. Shannon tried to get out of bed the same time as Cammie tried to stand up and they bumped into one another which caused Shannon to lose her balance and fall onto the bed with Cammie on top of her. Both of them now facing one another so close their lips are barely an inch away. Hearts started beating so loud that the heartbeats could be heard in the room. They stayed at that position in god knows how long until they heard a knock on the door and they pulled away as fast as humanely possible. It was Amy, one of her roommate. She asked if Shannon wants to go shopping with Jesse and her. Shannon shook her head no and Amy left feeling some tension happening in the room.

After Amy left, the room is left with silence and awkwardness until Cammie decided to break the silence telling Shannon she should be heading home and that Kara will be waiting for her. Shannon tried not to show her hostile face when she heard Kara's name. Shannon smiled forcefully and led Cammie out of her room. Winnie was already up that time and is in the living room setting up her laptop for something. Winnie eyed Shannon and Cammie when they were leaving the room and caught on to Shannon's disappointed expression. After Cammie left, Winnie walked up to Shannon who's now sitting on the couch daydreaming and frowning.

Winnie: Are you okay?

Shannon: You know I am not Ms. Masters in Psychology. Why bother asking.

Winnie: Because that is trying to be nice and not trying to be a smartass all the time. To ask even if you know.

Shannon: Cocky smartass.

Winnie: You promised to talk about it. So right now, we are going to grab some breakfast and talk about it. Let's go.

Shannon: I did not promise.

Winnie: You did. You are still accounted for everything you say even if you are drunk Shannon.

Shannon: Fine.

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