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It has been a week after the accident. Cammie visited Shannon every day to make sure that she didn't bored herself to death and also to make sure that she is okay. Both of them hung out like nothing happened. The accident didn't happen, the break up didn't happen. None of them want to bring up anything. As much as Shannon wants to tell Cammie how much she still loves her, she didn't want Cammie to feel torn. She already said yes to Kara. It isn't important now if Cammie knows that she still love her. She didn't want to ruin it for Cammie. As always, Cammie comes first. Today Shannon can finally leave this horrific place. She can finally go home. But she have to bring back this hideous leg cast with her until her broken leg heals. Shannon was spacing out until she heard a knock. Her family and Cammie are here to bring her home. She tried to get up by herself to grab the clutches but Cammie rushed towards her and aided her. She smiled while handing the clutches to Shannon.

Cammie: Here. Be careful. Don't hurt yourself again.

Shannon just smiled and think to herself. "No matter how much my leg hurts now, it does not even felt as hurt as my heart is feeling right now." Shannon internally slaps herself for being so selfish. "I should be happy for her. Not be bitter about it." Shannon breaks out of her bafflement when Cammie called her.

Cammie: Shannon?? Earth to Shannon. Are you there?

Shannon: *smile* I am here. Always is.

Cammie: What were you thinking about?

Shannon: Nothing important. Just some silly things.

Cammie: Tell me about it.

Shannon: Next time okay. Now I just want to get out of this hell hole.

Cammie: Okay. Let's go. Your family is waiting for you outside.

Shannon: Okay.

All of them came along home with Shannon and once she got home, she got her great surprise! All of her roommates jumped out in excitement and shouted "SURPIRSE! WELCOME HOME SHAN!!" This causes Shannon to stumble back a few steps, knocked into Cammie and lost her balance. Cammie held on to her to keep her balance. Preventing her from falling. Shannon's heartbeat out of control. To be in held in Cammie's embrace. She missed this so much. More than anything in the world. How she wish she could go back in time just to experience all of these once more.

Cammie: Are you okay?

Shannon: Yeah. Yeah. I am fine.

Cammie: Still a scaredy cat huh?

Shannon: Some things don't change.

Cammie let go of Shannon after hearing what she said. Cammie thinks to herself "Is she talking about us?" Winnie felt the tension happening between them and decided to break it. Shannon was so thankful Winnie was able to tell that she needed to get out of the situation.

Winnie: Hey. Cammie right?

Cammie: Yeah. I am sorry I can't remember your name. You are?

Shannon: Guess I haven't properly introduce you guys yet huh. This is Winnie. My new roommate.

Winnie: Yeap. That's me. Fast reaction you have there, Cammie. If it wasn't for you this dumbass would've fallen flat on her ass and break something else.

Shannon: You are lucky im in a cast right now. If not the next thing that is going to be broken is your face.

Winnie: Wow. Aggressive. Down girl.

Cammie felt a little bit left out in the conversation decided to chime in,

Cammie: At least I can to since she saved my life.

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