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Shannon turned her closet upside down trying to find something to wear. She felt so nervous that she felt that she is going to chicken out last minute. She got so much anxiety going on right now. She is pacing back and forth her room. Trying on outfits and taking them off. This is taking forever. Fuck. What is going on? She heard a knock on her door.

Shannon: Come in.

Winnie: Hey. Woah..what the fuck.. what is going on in here. Did your room just get hit by a tornado?


Winnie: Chill out Shan. What is going on in here?

Shannon: I am meeting Cam in an hour and I still haven't figure out what I should wear, what am I going to say.

Winnie: Alright. Alright. Calm down. I will help you okay. Just wear anything you feel comfortable in okay. Don't need to try to hard. Cammie love you for you not for what you wear. Just say whatever feels right. Whatever that you have been trapping down inside you for so long. Tell her the truth. Shut your eyes. Take a long deep breath.

Shannon: *closed her eyes and took a deep breath* *inhale**exhale**inhale**exhale* I'm okay. I'm going to go prepare now. Wish me luck!

Winnie: You don't need luck Shannon. You got this. But good luck anyways.

After having the several mini panic attacks in the room, she finally calmed down. She put on an oversized black plain t-shirt, black ripped jeans, white converse and a denim cap. What she normally wears. She thankfully took Winnie's car which she offered to head to the café. She didn't want to walk there and be all sweaty, stinky and add on to her anxiety. She stood in front of the café and took a deep breath before heading in. When she was in the entrance looking for a place to sit, she spotted Cammie. She was already there. Waiting. Shannon courageously walk towards the table.

Shannon: Hey. You're here early.

Cammie: Yeah. I was nearby so I came in and waited. I ordered your coffee for you. Hope you still like the same after all these years.

Shannon: Oh cool. Yeah. Yeah. I do. I still love it. Thank you.

Cammie: You're welcome.

Shannon trying to delay what is she supposed to say as long as she can so she asked.

Shannon: So you said you have something to tell me?

Cammie: You said you have something to tell me too. What was it?

Shannon: I asked you first.

Cammie: *takes in a deep breath* I...uhh... Kara proposed. She proposed last night.

Shannon: Oh.

Cammie: You okay Shan?

Shannon: Yea.. I am.. I mean it took me by surprise but yea.. I am good.

Cammie: Ok.

Shannon: So you said yes huh? *Hoping so hard this isn't the case*

Cammie: I guess.. I kinda did.

Shannon's heart broke. She didn't know if there is anything left to be broken. But it hurt. It hurt so much it was worse than the break up. She thinks to herself. It is over. She missed her chance. Now Cammie is never going to be hers. She was too late.

Shannon: Kinda?

Cammie: I mean it took me by surprise too. I didn't know. I mean at the moment I just said yes? I didn't know what to do.

Shannon: Oh... I uh... I forget I have the thing.. I have to go..

Shannon immediately stood up and bolting towards the door as fast as she could before Cammie could stop her. Cammie chased her from the café. She ran and ran and she finally caught up to Shannon. She pulled her arms and spin her around towards her.

Cammie: Shan. What is going on? What is wrong? You told me you have something to tell me what is it?

Shannon: It's nothing. It's not important. Not anymore.

Shannon pulled her hand away from Cammie's grasp. She began running away again. Cammie not satisfied what Shannon left her with, she ran after her and shouted "You can just walk away like this Shan. I know something is wrong." Shannon didn't care. She just ran and ran. She ran across the road which is red light. Cammie just ran along with her without realizing. Until she heard a loud long honking from a car which is speeding towards her.

Shannon turned around and saw Cammie froze and her feet rooted to the ground while a car is speeding towards her. Shannon ran as fast as she ever ran towards Cammie without any hesitation. She pushed her out of the way right before the car hit her and threw her 3 feet of the ground and 5 feet across the road. Everything happened so quickly. Cammie is still stunned about whatever is happening. People are starting to run towards something and gathered around. Cammie still dumbfounded walking towards the crowd and pushing them out of her way. There she sees Shannon's body lying on the road unconsciously in her own puddle of blood. She snapped out of her daze and ran towards Shannon. She knelt down. Looking at Shannon. Feeling so helpless. She shouted. "Stop fucking staring. CALL 911" She just knelt there by Shannon's side until the ambulance arrived.

She rode the ambulance with Shannon to the hospital. She looked so pale. So lifeless. Cammie's heart broke looking at Shannon in this state. There is nothing she can do. She felt so helpless except watching Shannon life slowly sucking out of her. Half way to the hospital, Shannon gain her consciousness. Even in so much pain she looked at Cammie so softly and gave her a small smile and said "I'm okay Cammie. Don't worry about me. I am fine. Please don't cry." Cammie wiped away her tears and stroke Shannon's bloody cheek softly and smiled back at her. Shannon's eyes blinked slowly and drifted off for a second before her body started to spaz uncontrollably. She is going through shock. She is losing a lot of blood. The ambulance reached the hospital and immediately pushed Shannon into the operation room.

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